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Fowkes不安地扫视一番。Fowkes glanced around uneasily.

被告不安地在椅子上扭动身子。The defendant twisted uneasily in his chair.

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索丕躺在麦迪逊广场一条长凳上辗转不安。On his bench Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily.

索比急躁不安地躺在麦迪逊广场的长凳上。On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily.

心里在那时起不安地自责。In the mind in that time since uneasily self-reproach.

其他的客人不安地相互对视着。The other guests looked around uneasily at each other.

南希也在这儿,费金不自在地瞟了她一眼。Nancy was the re, too, and Fagin glanced at her uneasily.

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他们看上去没有把握,站在那儿左右脚换来换去不安地晃着。They looked unsure and shifted uneasily from foot to foot.

他在说梦话而且在床上不安地辗转反侧着。He was talking in his sleep and moving uneasily on the bed.

传信人紧张地环顾四周,仿佛埋伏着间谍。Our informant glances uneasily about as though he feared a spy in ambush.

我就像是一个不识字的婴儿,诚惶诚恐,一言不发,有点羞涩地坐在那儿。Sitting there like an ignorant baby, I was shyly, uneasily and in silence.

哈姆雷特匆忙地走向她的房间,那时她正在房间内不安地等候他。Hamlet hurriedly walked to her room where she was uneasily waiting for him.

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“对不起,请不要问女士的闯庠痫,”演员感到很不安闲。"I'm sorry. Please don't ask a lady about her age, " the actress said uneasily.

他不安地转向一边,但是马匹退却的脚步声仍萦绕于耳际,挥之不去。He turned uneasily aside, the retreating steps of the horses echoing in his ears.

回想起她那特别光润的皮肤和晶莹迷人的眼睛。He remembered uneasily the awful glow of her skin and the distracting clarity of her eyes.

“请允许我把哥哥介绍给您认识一下,”海伦说道,把视线从娜塔莎一下子转向阿纳托利。"Allow me to introduce my brother, " said Ellen, her eyes shifting uneasily from Natasha to Anatole.

我从不知名的海鲜中挑出米饭和玉米粒来吃,而我男友不知所措地看着他的饭碗。I pick rice and sweetcorn out from between unidentified seafood as my boyfriend eyes his bowl uneasily.

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当球迷们紧张的时候,他们可能会在座椅上不安地移动,发出这种吱呀作响的声音。When fans get this nervous, they tend to move around uneasily in their seats, creating a squeaky sound.

但她想到自己一个人坐在吧台,拿着一杯酒,心里又有些不安,不知道这样对不对。But then she wondered uneasily if it would be all right if she sat in the bar by herself and had a glass of wine.

到凌晨1点,已经有几百人到场,他们在自己的车子旁,四处张望,看是否有警察。By 1 a. m. there are hundreds of them, standing in clusters alongside their cars, glancing around uneasily for the police.