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关于东盟的兄弟之谊就言尽于此。So much for ASEAN brotherhood.

他们每天在院子里洗漱。Al dia, ellos se asean en el patio.

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柬泰都是东盟大家庭的一员。and Thailand are members of the ASEAN community.

中国将于明年设立常驻东盟使团。China will open a permanent mission to ASEAN next year.

这是东盟国家与中国的共同意愿。This is the common desire of ASEAN countries and China.

去年印度同东盟签下了一项重要的自由贸易协议。Last year India signed a major free-trade deal with Asean.

贾庆林说,马来西亚是中国在东盟的重要伙伴。Jia said that Malaysia is China's important partner in ASEAN.

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中国和东盟之间共同利益远远大于分歧。China and ASEAN have far more common interests than differences.

东盟祝贺中国成功举办上海世博会。ASEAN congratulates China on successfully hosting the World Expo.

中国与东盟是好邻居、好伙伴、好朋友。China and ASEAN are good neighbors, good partners and good friends.

东盟共同体建设和东亚合作向前推进。ASEAN community construction and East Asia cooperation move forward.

中国和东盟国家都发生了沧海巨变。Profound changes have taken place in both China and ASEAN countries.

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拥有五亿六千万人口的东盟贸易区也存在大量消费者。With 560m people, the ASEAN trade bloc also offers a big population.

缅甸方面也迫切希望争取2014年的东盟主席国席位。Burma for its part desperately wants to hold the ASEAN chair in 2014.

当声明发表后,更为冷静ASEAN首脑却获胜了。When the statement emerged, however, cooler heads in ASEAN prevailed.

关友飞说,在越南召开的东盟会议将涵盖该地区的安全问题。The ASEAN meeting in Vietnam will cover security issues in the region.

第三章,从宏观层面探讨东盟的国家竞争力。Chapter Three explores national competitiveness of ASEAN at macro level.

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相比之下,其他东盟地区有相对温和的升幅。By contrast, the other ASEAN economies saw relatively moderate increases.

中国与东盟各国就有关问题保持着顺畅的沟通。China and ASEAN countries keep unimpeded communication on relevant issue.

我们把东盟看成是该地区新兴地区性架构的支点。We view ASEAN as a fulcrum for the region’s emerging regional architecture.