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要对婚姻的目的进行争论。about the telos of marriage.

谈论了婚姻的内在本质和目的所在。nature, the telos of marriage, is.

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和高尔夫的真正目的的讨论。or purpose,or telos of golf really is.

地表上的人们,你们好,我是来自泰勒斯城的阿达玛。People above the Earth, it I Adama of Telos.

扎纳托斯是特洛斯星球首富克里昂的儿子。Xanatos was the son of Crion, the wealthiest man on the planet Telos.

还可以是因为一些事导致一个人难以找到自己的终极目标。It's also caused by anything that makes it harder for people to find their telos.

城市是自然的演变,它让人类可以达成,并完善他们被称为,Telos,的目标。The city is natural in that it allows human beings to achieve and perfect what he calls their telos.

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好的,Victoria的观点是,政府不应该去决定婚姻的终极目标是什么。Alright, so, Victoria's argument is that the state should not try to decide the question of what the telos of marriage is.

人不必为了欣赏功夫带来的优美去相信一个事先定下的终极目的。One does not have to believe in a pre-determined telos for humans in order to appreciate the excellence that kung fu brings.

从终极目的,我们正在观察,你们中许多人宁愿在表面选择欺骗和谎言,推进主要集中在社会阶梯。As we from Telos are observing, many of you at the surface prefer to choose deceit and lies to advance, mainly on the social ladder.

根据合同,美国Telos公司将向这些节点交付逾1500个传感器。Under the terms of the agreement, Telos will deliver more than 1, 500 sensors provided by Atlanta-based AirDefense Inc. to the Army sites.

这样一座城的公民,只能透过参与公职,才能达到他们的,Telos,或完善,而且是城市中统治阶级的公职。The citizens of such a city can only reach their telos or perfection through participating in the offices, in the ruling offices of a city.

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剩下的没有很多人,他们是主要的剩余人员前往泰罗斯,来继续他们在地表之下的生活。But those who remained were not too many and there was just mainly the remnants who made it into Telos to go on with their lifes beyond the surface.

一个引领我们完善的社会,引领我们完成,并完善我们,Telos,的社会,必需是由信任,友爱及同志情谊所共构。A society that leads to our perfection that leads us to complete and perfect our telos must be held together by bonds of trust, of friendship, of camaraderie.

在“黑暗的对手”一章中,已经成为一个成熟绝地武士的魁刚,在泰罗斯4号卫星上发现了一个名叫萨那托斯的小男孩,这个男孩与原力的联系极为强大。As revealed in The Dark Rival, Qui-Gon, by now a full-fledged Jedi, discovers a young boy from Telos IV named Xanatos who exhibits a strong connection to the Force.

因为只有透过参与政治生活,我们才能成就自我,才能获得卓越或美德,如他所说,那造就了我们,实现了我们的,Telos,或说完善了我们。Because only by participating in political life do we achieve, can we acquire the excellences or the virtues, as he says, that make us what we are, that fulfill our telos or fulfill our perfection.