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这正是那种你心心期盼的命中注定!This is the kind of serendipity you want!

它能修复信息流中的惊喜。It restores serendipity to the flow of information.

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其实这也是缘分。Again there was certain amount of serendipity in it.

另一个阻碍意外之得的拦路石是“计划”。The other big serendipity block seems to be "the plan".

我已经放下了期望,能够欣赏serendipity。I’ve let go of expectation, able to appreciate serendipity.

机遇总向那些以更轻松方式生活的人微笑。Serendipity smiles upon people who have a more relaxed approach to life.

“意外之得”最大的两个阻碍似乎是“自己吓自己”和“其他计划”The two biggest blocks to serendipity seem to be ego-fear and "other plans".

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外在于未编程的认识,有时成为导演偶然。Outside lies unprogrammed awareness that at times becomes directed serendipity.

这种机缘巧合在美国历史上是绝无仅有,不可能被复制了。Such serendipity is anomalous in American history, and unlikely to be repeated.

推荐引擎绝对与那些奇遇发现、伟大著作和前卫派们势不两立。Recommendation engines are the enemy of serendipity and Great Books and the avant-garde.

这次能在2008年拍到这头大概超过50岁的母猩猩潘茜的死亡也有点直觉般的运气成分。Filming the 2008 death of Pansy, who was likely over the age of 50, was in part serendipity.

由此,我希望看到更多的网站会更加认真的对待“机构性塞伦迪比特”的问题。In the same sense, I wish more websites would take institutionalized serendipity more seriously.

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意外之得和幸运本质上都是不可预测的,因此不属于任何好计划的一部分。Serendipity and luck are by their very nature unpredictable, and therefore not part of any good plan.

但是由多样的业馀社群所能提供的师徒关系及意外发现,则大多已经失去。But much of the mentoring and serendipity that the diverse community of amateurs offered has been lost.

已有的报道证实愈创木大便隐血实验基本上不能检出小腺瘤。Previous reports have indicated that the guaiac-based FOBT can detect small adenomas only by serendipity.

然而,如果我们实际上却在努力减少风险和不可预见性,因此我们也减少了意外之得。However, if we actually manage to reduce risk and unpredictability, then we are also reducing serendipity.

而当搜索功能改善了,你同时也把印刷品的优势拿走,那就是能不经意间有新发现的能力。And when you improve searchability, you actually take away the one advantage of print, which is serendipity.

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惊喜和意外发现很不错,不过在这些具有意义的小插曲之前,你必须做好铺垫。Surprise and serendipity are great, but there must be a flow to interrupt before the interruption has meaning.

放开自己的心情,四处漫步,尽情享受和吸收这个陌生地方的美丽景色和新鲜空气.Open yourself to serendipity and just wander around, taking in the sights and soaking up the vibe of the new place.

而且无论每次机遇的结果是好是坏,抓住机遇还是有很多好处。And whether or not any chance taken turns out well or badly, the benefits of regularly seizing serendipity are many.