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成熟而清新爽利。Ripe but refreshing on the palate.

帕洛马先生真正感兴趣是思想。Mr. Palomar's palate is in his mind.

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能不能喂饱无餍的死亡?Can these glut the greedy palate of Death?

理想的齿抿合和下额是深色的或黑色的。Ideally gums and palate are dark or black.

我的健康比我的食欲重要的多。My health is more inportant than my palate.

唇裂或腭裂并非上天的诅咒,厄运的征兆。A cleft lip or palate is not a curse or omen.

但油的魅力却是由品尝师的口味决定的。But oil appeal is on the palate of the taster.

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持久的黑醋栗和新橡木口感余韵悠长。Lasting blackcurrant and new oak flavors palate.

入口清甜,蕴溢着黑莓和蓝莓的味道。Sweet black and blue berry fruit fills the palate.

它是早期修复腭裂的一个较为安全的方法。It is a safer method for early cleft palate repair.

柔顺,新鲜爽洁,回味无穷的樱桃果酱。Soft, fleshy and long palate with cherry-jam notes.

味觉上能感受到中度的蜂蜜香和轻微的辛辣味。The palate is moderately honeyed and tenderly spicy.

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是自2009年以来最佳的木桐上品。Persists for a long time on the palate. Best after 2009.

口感饱满,柔滑而果味浓郁的单宁。The palate is full-flavored, with soft and juicy tannins.

良好的工艺令口感被醇厚的丹宁酸包裹着。Finely crafted, with refined tannins that coat the palate.

酒体适中,蕴含清新浆果口感,单宁十分可口。Mid weight & fresh berry-fruit palate with savoury tannin.

单宁饱满,回味持久。Mouth-filling tannins, excellent persistence on the palate.

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有时候人的味觉会需要一点酸。The palate likes to get a little jolt of acid now and then.

单宁柔滑纤细,有成熟的樱桃与酸果蔓的水果味道。The palate is soft and ripe with cherry and cranberry fruit.

MEE细胞的异常转归将导致腭裂发生。Unusual transformation of MEE cells can induce cleft palate.