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越南与中国毗邻。Viet Nam is contiguous to China.

褔南足球会的情报和消息…Everything about Fok Nam Soccer Club.

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这一切‘让衰老变得无法逃避’宏捷楠说。All this "makes aging hard to escape, " says Nam.

瀑布流到南康河水流量。The waterfall stream flows into the Nam Khan river.

炸牛皮一道必须与喃咪相配的菜。Deep- fried with a leather Nam Mi dish of the match.

来自越南的帅哥美女也不甘人后啊!The boy and the girl from Viet Nam also worked hard!

南湾隧道项目一直保持骄人的安全纪录。Nam Wan Tunnel ? a project proud of its safety record.

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菲律宾和越南是它们当中唯一的负担沉重国家。The Philippines and Viet Nam were the only HBCs among them.

家岚相信,在她的内心世界里没有人可以取代陆坚。Nam believe's that no one can take Kin's place in her heart.

NAM的云参数化有待于进一步改进。The cloud parameterization in NCEP NAM needs to be improved.

我们的船没有渡轮我们过南康河禁止Souandara。Our boat did ferry us cross the Nam Khan river to Ban Souandara.

远足学会在四月十七日举办了南涌河野外考察活动。On April 17, the Hiking Club had a field trip to Nam Chung Stream.

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到目前为止,越南全国有20个省市受到疫情影响。Until now, 20 provinces and municipalities of Viet Nam have been affected.

中国出口俄罗斯的罗非鱼超过了越南出口的鲶鱼。Russian traders thus replaced pangasius from Viet Nam with Chinese tilapia.

围产期抑郁症和焦虑症在越南北部地区的妇女中十分普遍。Perinatal depression and anxiety are prevalent in women in northern Viet Nam.

这些增加病例使越南自12月中以来的总数达到10例。These additional cases bring the total in Viet Nam since mid-December to ten.

这一突变以前在2005年越南的一个病例中曾得到鉴别。This mutation has previously been identified in Viet Nam in one case in 2005.

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在越南,道路交通伤害是造成死亡和残疾的一大主要原因。Road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death and disability in Viet Nam.

智利、日本、澳大利亚、越南和欧共体保留他们的第三方权力。Chile, Japan, Australia, Viet Nam and the EC reserved their third party rights.

你看,咱们眼前的龙南榭就是古代园林的样子。The Lung Nam Pavilion there, for instance, was built exactly like an ancient garden.