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纹理的各向异性过滤等级。Anisotropic filtering level of the texture.

黑钨矿的润湿性是各向异性的。The wetting character of wolframite is anisotropic.

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理论分析中,材料与损伤都是各向异性的。Both material and damage are considered to be anisotropic.

方位界面是各向异性介质中的一种特殊现象。The azimuthal interface is a special phenomenon in anisotropic medium.

提出了唯象的各向异性磁畴旋转模型。A phenomenological anisotropic domain rotation model has been proposed.

研究了轴对称拉伸各向异性材料的过程。The process of axisymmetric drawing of anisotropic materials is considered.

讨论了一种基于非线性扩散方程的图像去噪方法。A new anisotropic diffusion based image denoising method is proposed in this work.

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在各向异性的地层中,水平电阻率与纵向电阻率不同。In anisotropic formations the horizontal and vertical resistivities are different.

对各向异性土体的强度条件研究建立一种新的表述方法。A new method to express the strength condition of the anisotropic soil is proposed.

本发明进一步提供一种采用所述组合物制备的各向异性导电膜。The invention further provides an anisotropic conductive film using the composition.

基于分子场理论,研究一种新的空间各向异性两体作用势。A new steric anisotropic pair potential is studied based upon molecular field theory.

用作纹理放大或缩小筛选器的各向异性纹理筛选。Anisotropic texture filtering used as a texture magnification or minification filter.

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山羊的髁突是各向异性的线弹性体,其弹性参量与下颌骨相应参量间有差异。Goat condyles of the mandible are a type of anisotropic and linearly elastic material.

其次,叙述了各向异性的岩石基础对扬压力的影响。Then the influence of anisotropic rock foundation on the uplift pressure is described.

导电胶膜具有一离型层与一异方型导电胶层。The conductive film is provided with a release layer and an anisotropic conductive film.

本文提出了一个新的边缘定向增强扩散模型。This paper puts forward a new edge-directed enhancing based anisotropic diffusion model.

塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩储层非均质性和各向异性强,储集层类型复杂。Ordovician carbonate reservoir is strong anisotropic and very complicate in Tahe Oilfield.

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然后讨论了电磁波在各向异性左手介质中的传播特性。Thirdly, we study the characteristics of electromagnetic wave propagation in anisotropic LHM.

具有“各向同性”的转动惯量的非球形刚体称为非球形惯量球。No-spherical rigid body that has anisotropic inertia is called no-spherical sphere of inertia.

提出一种基于小波和各项异性非线性扩散的新图像去噪算法。A new image denoising method based on wavelet and anisotropic nonlinear diffusion is presented.