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“对,真无聊,是吧?”约翰康纳说。"Yeah. Major drag, huh?"John Conner said.

康纳知不知道刀子是从哪儿来的?Does Conner know where the knife came from?

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他们刚绕过街角汽笛就鸣响了。The sirens blew as they rounded the conner.

她立刻打电话给艾莉森,康纳和曼蒂。She called Allison and Conner and Mandy on the telephone.

我在某一个角落徘徊,有时候我找不到自我。I am roaming in the conner , sometimes i can not find myself !

如你见到”无线网路”,按”网路连线”。Click "View Wireless Netowrk"on your right bottom conner. , If.

他两手托腮,目不转睛地望着房子的一角。He sat with cupping his cheeks, watching the conner of the house.

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约翰∙韦恩∙康纳尔在乔治亚州杰克逊市的州立监狱里接受了注射死刑。John Wayne Conner received a lethal injection at the state prison in Jackson, Georgia.

康纳每天的工作就是游走于琳琅美女之中,与明星和模特打交道。Conner every day job is to wander among the lianglang meinü, mixwith and stars and models.

项目负责人大卫•康纳表示,为了在私人农场上的研究而进行的试验。Project director David Conner says it was a " test drive" for the research on private farms.

七个月前我根本就不会相信,但是你们猜怎么着,巴特·康纳就在代表队里。Seven months ago I never would have believed this, but guess what? Bart Conner is on that team.

就是得益于其设计的简洁性和轻便性。Overall, the project proposed by Piercy Conner impressed the jury by its simplicity and lightness.

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60岁的康钠尔原定星期四晚上被处死,但当时上诉程序还在进行。The 60-year-old Conner was scheduled to be put to death Thursday evening, but the appeals process was still under way.

今天,2010-12-24,圣诞前夜,我们相聚在这里,相聚在我们共同的家——大契英语角。In the special day of 24th Dec, 2010, Christmas Eve, we gathered together here in our own family – Daqi English Conner.

例如,“开始菜单”是在屏幕的右下角,而时间则显示在左下角。For instance, the "start menu" is on the most right-lower conner of the screen, and the time shows at the left-lower conner.

哦,您好,康纳先生。又到检查的时候了,对吧?我就知道这个星期里不定什么时候审计部门可以要对我进行检查。Parkesh, hi, Mr. Conner. So it's that time again , is it ?I thought the Auditing Department might visit me sometime this week.

种族仇恨的暴力行为继续存在在我们的身边是令人恐惧、不安的。"It is terrible and disturbing that violence motivated by hatred of another's race continues to occur, " said Conner Eldridge, U.

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康纳教爱玛她提交给他的是不同的,价值观不同,因为他在她的那个奇怪的和令人兴奋的事情。Conner teaches Emma that her submission to him is different, different because he values that strange and exciting thing inside her.

康纳舰船系统生产的HX2地雷是一种广为扩散的反人员地雷,被银河共和国的ARC部队大量使用。The Conner Ship Systems HX2 mine is a widely distributed antipersonnel explosive used extensively by the ARC troopers of the Galactic Republic.

动态拼贴主要记述了三个反英雄人物的意识流,它们在内容与文体上相互联系又相互区别,形成三幅动态的画面拼贴在一起。The Conner records the streams of consciousness of three anti-heroes, which differs from each other in content and styles, and forms a collage of three dynamic pictures.