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你可以关掉亮着的灯。You can turnoff the Bright light.

事实上,那可能会很让他倒胃口。In fact, it may be a big turnoff for him.

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事实上对于她的许多建议,都没有被实施。Indeed, for most of her beaus it was a turnoff.

我迷失在岔道中,向前走了15英里就完全迷路了。I missed the turnoff and went 15 miles out of mey way.

他的头皮屑可真让人恶心,我甚至连看他一眼都受不了。His dandruff was such a huge turnoff that I could not even look at him.

但是表现的过于强势或太像推销员都不能取得良好的效果。But coming off too aggressive or overly salesman-like can be a big turnoff.

越接近去爷爷奶奶家的分岔路口,车子就越慢。The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents' house, the slower the car went.

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当汽车愈加接近爷爷奶奶住宅的岔道时,爸爸就把车子开得愈慢。The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents' house, the slower the car went.

当汽车愈加接近爷爷奶奶住宅的岔道时,爸爸就把车子开得愈慢。The closer we got to the turnoff for my grandparents’ house, the slower the car went.

维也纳完全变的胡搅蛮缠,对一个讲求逻辑的人而言,根本插不上一句话。For a logical man, not able to get a word in edgewise, Vienna became a complete turnoff.

然而,看3D要戴眼镜,这让许多很早就想尝试的人望而却步。However, the glasses required to watch 3-D video is a turnoff for many would-be early adopters.

对女孩子而言,第二扫兴的事情就是一个18岁却已经考虑结婚的人。The second biggest turnoff for a girl is an 18 year old guy who's already thinking about marriage.

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真是令人毛骨悚然和陈腐,其很快会使我们想起自己亲爱的老爸,因此它真的让人扫兴。It’s creepy, cliché, and instantly makes us think of our dear old dads, which is obviously a total turnoff.

Breus说,人们难以入眠最常见的原因是他们不能停止自己的思考。Breus said the most common reason people have trouble falling asleep is that they cannot turnoff their mind.

一些朋克酗酒,抽大麻,而且他们给很多人的印象是“令人反胃”。Some punks drink and smoke marijuana, and the image they project is to many, as Campbell puts it, "a turnoff."

如今,她说道,他那6英尺1英寸的身形看起来更像是“一团模糊松散的肉”,增加的体重更是让人倒胃口。Now, she says, his 6-ft.-1-inch frame is "more than a little fleshy and mushy" and the weight gain is a turnoff.

本文论述了计算晶闸管关断模型反向恢复电流参数的一种方法。This paper describes a method for calculating reverse recovery current parameters of the thyristor turnoff model.

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虹吸管出水断流装置是基于流体力学虹吸原理、控制水泵出水通与断的装置。The function of siphon unit based on fluid mechanics siphon principle is to control turnon and turnoff of pump outflow.

恰巧你的约会对象同样得痛苦和孤独,但它仍然是一个大的分手诱因,这只需告诉你的治疗师。Chances are your date is equally miserable and lonely, but it's still a big turnoff and should be kept for your therapist.

尽管在比较激励时间时这类继电器是最快的切换元件,但释放或关断时间却比较长。Although these are the fastest switching elements when actuation times are compared, the release, or turnoff time, is long.