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昨晚在泥地里断断续续地睡了一夜。I spent a fitful night in the mud.

我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep.

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政府从这些谈判中正取得缓慢的、间断性的进展。The government is making slow and fitful progress in these negotiations.

但在此之后,15年来断断续续的谈判进程以失败告终。But the process, which has been fitful for 15 years, subsequently collapsed.

当他睡着时,有片刻间歇,可一当他醒来,就会接着哭。When he slept it was short and fitful and then he would awaken, crying again.

尽管在火车上我总是睡得很好,我很快又瞌睡了。Although sleep is always fitful on trains, I dozed off more quickly than usual.

我明白我必须满足于这短促的爱情,因为我们不过是在路途中邂逅相逢。Yet I know that I must be content in my love, with what is fitful and fugitive.

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诚然,随着年龄的增长,人的记忆力会更加时断时续,但是我并不记得发生了这种情况。True one's memory gets more fitful as one grows older but I didn't remember this happening.

显而易见的是,政治秩序早在这一时代之前就已形成,但它是不连续和不完善的。Obviously, political order had been achieved before then, but in a fitful and incomplete way.

是啊,人一上了岁数,记性就变得不怎么靠谱了,可我真不记得出过这事啊。True, one's memory gets more fitful as one grows older, but I didn't remember this happening.

但就目前而言,新替代方法的发现过程还是断续而不确定的。At present, however, the discovery of new alternatives remains a fitful and uncertain process.

远远的河岸上,一群群野鹤飞向天宇,一阵阵狂风扫向石南树丛。Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river bank and fitful gusts of wind rush over the heath.

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鹤群从远远的河岸飞起,狂风吹过常青的灌木。Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river-bank and fitful gusts of wind rush over the heath.

鹤群从远远的河岸飞起,狂风吹过常青的灌木。Flocks of cranes fly up from the further river-bank and fitful guests of wind rush over the heath.

显而易见的是,政治秩序早在这一时代之前就已形成,但它是不连续和不完善的。Obviously, political order had been achieved before then, but in a fitful and incomplete way. In Mr.

在她母亲死掉的那一晚,罗茜过得很不安稳,她辗转反侧,频频起身。After the death of her mother, Rosie had a fitful night, tossing and turning and getting up frequently.

从前这就是所谓的美国梦,现在可以称作恍恍惚惚的白日梦。Once upon a time this was called the American Dream. Nowadays it might be called America’s Fitful Reverie.

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这就需要尽快建立一套适合中外合作办学机构自身发展的财务管理制度。So we must establish a fitful finacial management system for the Sino-Foreign Corporative Education section.

我曾在恍惚之间认识了它,它飘忽的气息一阵阵向我袭来,让我的思绪一时间充满芬芳。I have known it in glimpses, and its fitful breath has come upon me, making my thoughts fragrant for a while.

更可能的是,少数国家将尽早朝这个方向努力,且进程势必会时断时续。More likely, a handful of countries will make an early move in that direction. Progress is bound to be fitful.