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这是一个开创性的时刻,周一。It's a seminal moment, mon.

精囊炎治疗存在哪些误区?Seminal vesicle phlogistic treatment which error there?

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上世纪80年代初是计算机发展史上影响深远的时代。The early 80’s was a seminal time in computing history.

如何分辨精囊炎跟类似疾病?How to distinguish between Seminal with similar diseases?

这种情况是前列腺或精囊炎症吗?Is this condition prostata or seminal vesicle inflammation?

原发于储精囊之癌病为一罕见情况。Primary neoplasms of the seminal vesicles are extremely rare.

胞果近球形,种子肾形,棕色,光亮。Utricle is close globose , seminal kidney form, brown, shining.

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杰克逊的离去给互联网的历史又重重地描上了一笔。The site said, "Today was a seminal moment in Internet history."

他写了不少对以后发展有很大影响的书,关于兰花的,昆虫的,藤壶的以及珊瑚的。He wrote seminal books on orchids, insects, barnacles and corals.

此详细阅读书单来自于这个领域最新的探索研究。The extensive reading list draws on the seminal works in the field.

精囊腺和盆筋膜壁层是重要的标志性结构。Seminal vesicle and pelvic wall might be served as signal structures.

但是创作一个他1987年开创性的巨作的续篇已成为他存在的理由。But creating a follow-up to his seminal 1987 hit has become his raison d'être.

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这种非典型现象属于自然退化性表现,在青年男性的精囊是看不到的。The atypia is degenerative and not observed in the seminal vesicles of young men.

普遍男子会出现遗精的现象,而女子会出现初潮。Consequently man has sperm and experiences seminal emission, and woman has menarche.

种子多数,极小,种皮有小窝孔,胚乳肉质。Seminal majority, dinky , seed coat has fossa opening, endosperm flesh is qualitative.

精子血型抗原为本身所固有,并非来源于精浆。The blood group antigens in the spermatozoa are inherent, not from the seminal plasma.

他的工作在一篇有关纳米晶体领域发展的开创性论文中达到了最高点。His work culminated in a seminal paper in the development of the field of nanocrystals.

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这一切之上是高斯的原创思想,当时容易推销。On top of all this are the seminal ideas of Coase, which at that time were easy to sell.

土方巽是一个战后萌芽的艺术家,打碎了传统舞蹈的框架。Tatsumi Hijikata was a seminal postwar artist who shattered traditional dance framework.

华为高层经常指出赢得英国电信的合同是公司历史上一个开创性的时刻。Huawei executives often point to the BT win as a seminal moment in the company’s history.