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挽歌非常忧沉,会将你灼伤。Dirges so melancholic that they would scorch you.

如果你心里阴云密布,天就总是灰的。if you are a melancholic soul, it seems always cloudy.

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麦斯米兰形容他们的音乐是“忧郁的流行赞美诗”。Maximilian Hecker describes his music as "melancholic pop hymns".

一出荒诞的悲剧,在泰戈莱利斯犹豫的歌声中缓缓上演。A absurd tragedy, to accompany a melancholic song by the Tiger Lillies.

如果你想找人谈谈你的问题,和一个有忧郁性格的人聊聊吧。If you need to talk to someone about a problem, talk to a melancholic person.

这张专辑将收录10首歌。孙玉声用“难以忘怀,忧郁摇滚”来形容她的声音。The album will have 10 tracks. Sun describes her sound as "haunting, melancholic rock".

霍克思的生活和作品都受到强烈的忧郁气质的启迪和影响。Hawkes's life and work were both inspired and overshadowed by a strongly melancholic streak.

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他说着,意识到这太讽刺,忧郁的脸上泛过一丝尴尬的笑容。As he talks, he recognises the irony of the story and his melancholic face breaks into a quick laugh.

他们的音乐有一个共同点,就是都混合着从欢愉到忧郁的各种情感因素。The music remains a common blend of varied emotional attitudes ranging from the jovial to the melancholic.

这张专辑的其余部分介于疯癫与欢愉之间,是独立流行音乐的又一次胜利!Elsewhere the album is nicely poised between dippy and melancholic moods, and is quite a triumph of indie-pop!

但阅读了四个钟头之后,大段大段的灰色文字让我感到说不出的沮丧。But after about four hours of flipping through blocks of grey text I found myself feeling strangely melancholic.

一些视觉上的经历是如此美丽,让人无法忘怀。Some visual experiences were so hauntingly beautiful that they left me feeling melancholic and a sense of nostalgia.

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他说我这样忧郁的人不适合作技术活,迟早要精神分裂。He said technical work was no good for a man as melancholic as me and sooner or later I would be a victim of schizophrenia.

毋庸置疑,美国消费者明显远比忧郁的欧洲同胞来得坚韧。There is little doubt that American consumers have proven they are far more tenacious than their melancholic European peers.

这首歌很忧郁的开始,但迈克的声音正在强大,在吉他的弦有力的结束。The song is quite melancholic at the beginning, but Mike's voice is being stronger and stronger under guitar's strings by the end.

关于中秋节,还有另一个更为远久的的传说,那就是是发生在射手后羿和妻子嫦娥之间的凄美爱情故事。A much earlier myth associated with the festival is the rather melancholic romance between the archer Hou Yi and his wife, Chang'e.

来自西方的观者看到他画中人物细长的身体忧郁的神情可能会联想到意大利画家莫迪利亚尼的作品。A Western viewer might identify the elongated figures and melancholic mood of Chiu's paintings with Italian painter Modigliani's work.

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这是一个回忆,大地色,灰黄色,单音钢琴,氛围哀伤低迷困惑。This is a memory having earthy colour and gray-yellow colour and solo piano music. It has a sad, melancholic and confusing atmosphere.

拜洛埃托是这个城市夜生活的中心,其间有很多旅店和酒吧,甚至可以听见曲调优美的传统葡萄牙音乐。Bairro Alto is the center of nightlife with various restaurants and bars where melancholic traditional Portuguese music can also be heard.

作为一位具有鲜明风格特征的电影作者,他关注民族苦难,具有忧郁的气质。As a film director possessing a distinctive feature or quality, he pays attention to national suffering and has the melancholic temperament.