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一些起作用的不可测因素仍不可去除。Still, it can't be ruled out that some unmeasured factor played a role.

如德国的不可量物侵害制度、日本的日照妨害学说等。Such as German's unmeasured damage institution and Japan's sun light damage hypothesis.

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它始终是可能的,一些不明或衡量因素混淆这些结果,他补充说。It is always possible that some unknown or unmeasured factors confounded these results, he added.

这提高了尚未测量的心理因素需要考虑的可能性。This raises the possibility that, as yet, unmeasured psychological factors need to be considered.

在这种情况下,不测量的信道也服从于自适应信道分配策略。In this manner, the unmeasured channels are also subjected to an adaptive channel allocation strategy.

应用实验室变量分析以修正由混杂变量所致的潜在偏倚。Instrumental variable analysis was used to address potential biases associated with unmeasured confounding variables.

在很多情况下,很多因素可能作为混杂因素导致不同的结果。In many cases, there are confounding factors that are unmeasured which are probably related to differences in outcome.

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但这些调整是不精确的,而且也没人能保证这样分组在其它某些未测量的方面一致。But the adjustments are imprecise, and there is no guarantee that the groups are not different in some other unmeasured way.

第三,因为所有的配偶新人,但这些结果不太可能的产物,衡量的差异,婚姻期限。Third, because all spouses were newlyweds , these results are unlikely to be the product of unmeasured differences in marital duration.

机理方程作为描述过程的动态行为的整体框架,支持向量机模型用来进行模型参数的估计。And support vector machine model is used to estimate the unmeasured process parameters that are difficult to model with first principle.

这为人类只可意会、不可言传的差异留下了发展空间。这种差异激发出伟大的文学、艺术和我们的生活,使之成为一个整体。That leaves room for an unmeasured but discernible human difference, a difference that inspires great literature, art, and our lives as a whole.

考虑到不可能控制那些无法预测的混杂,接受治疗分析则可能会夸大手术的治疗效果。Given that it is not possible to control for unmeasured confounders, the as-treated analysis may have overstated the treatment effect of surgery.

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但这个研究组在下一句中接着又承认这种关系可能“并没有因果关系,而且也许是其他因素共同作用造成的”。But the group left out the study's very next sentence acknowledging that the association may be “noncausal and may be due to unmeasured confounding.

把资本收益加入财富统计时,在未被统计的储蓄当中与经济繁荣相关的未统计的资本投资总额,揭示出来有相当大的数量。望高手纠正!Associated with this boom in unmeasured investment is the huge amount of unmeasured savings that showed up in the wealth statistics as capital gains.

但在这个模型中,调整后的R2为0.472,说明尼古丁排放量的变化有一半可以用未经测量的参数加以解释。However, the overall adjusted R2 for this model was 0.472, suggesting that half the variation in nicotine yields could be explained by unmeasured parameters.

由于模型误差以及未知干扰的影响,基于预测模型得到的控制变量在实际应用中得不到期望的终点质量指标。Due to model-plant mismatches and unmeasured disturbances, the calculated control policy based on WRNN model may not be optimal when applied to the actual process.

针对振动状态的不可测量性,应用刚性控制规律设计了控制器,给出了一种补偿系统动力学对位置控制影响的方法。A rigid controller for the unmeasured vibration states was designed and a compensatory method for the impact on position control caused by system dynamics was given.

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作者写道,依赖申报资料确实在死亡率和急救失败率上有种族差异,这可能是因为研究中未探究严重度。"Relying on claims data does leave open the possibility that racial differences in mortality and failure to rescue may be because of unmeasured severity, " the authors write.

区域经济增长极理论对一个区域的经济发展具有很强的指导作用,将该理论应用到具体的区域中将会产生不可估量的影响。The theory of regional economic growth pole has a prodigious function in the development of the region. Applying this theory into a certain region can produce unmeasured value.

研究人员指出,尚不清楚是否存在C反应蛋白等特异性炎症标志物、或者其他难以测定的混杂因素,用以解释此两者之间的关系。It is not clear, the researchers said, whether specific inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, or other unmeasured confounders are the explanation for the association.