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这是威斯敏特教堂。This is Westminster Abbey.

艾比很高兴是你的狗狗。Abbey loved being your dog.

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欧瓦修道院始建于1070年。Orval Abbey was founded in 1070.

威斯敏斯特教堂是许多伟人的安葬之所。The Westminster Abbey entombs many great men.

修道院的院长被称为女修道院院长。The superior of an abbey is called an abbess.

英国君主都在西敏寺加冕。British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

历代英国国王皆在西敏寺行加冕礼。British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey.

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我们要好好看看那矗立在远处的西敏寺。Abbey that you see towering in the distance there.

有一天他离开去做修道院的事后就没有回来。He left one day on abbey business and never returned.

如今,修道院的遗迹散布在惠特比的郊外。Now, the abbey ruins brood on the outskirts of Whitby.

很久以前,一个小修道院里有一个女修道院院长。Once upon a time, there was an abbess in a small abbey.

然而,圣加伦修道院确是这座城市标志。However, the Abbey of Saint Gall is the primary landmark.

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女孩子们在西敏寺前看到哈里王子后的反应。Girls react after seeing Prince Harry at Westminster Abbey.

大修道院是一个修道院,由住持或住持。A large monastery is an Abbey headed by an Abbot or an abbess.

一个工人在清理伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂前面的照明灯。A worker cleans a lamp in front of Westminster Abbey in London.

她憎恶她的婴儿,于是她将其遗弃在修道院。She abhorred her baby so much that she abandoned her in the abbey.

她憎恶她的婴儿,于是她将她遗弃在修道院。She abhorred her baby so much that she abandoned her in the abbey.

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北郡牧师圣教会开始协助国王莲恩。The Clerics of Northshire Abbey come to the aid of the King Llane.

埃莉诺请凯瑟琳蒂尔尼访问家中诺桑觉寺。Eleanor invites Catherine to visit the Tilney home in Northanger Abbey.

她在爱彼路录音室与管弦乐队的录音令人惊叹。Recording my album at Abbey Road Studios with an orchestra was amazing.