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你什么时候学的藏语?When did you learn Tibetan?

喇嘛教?莫非又是藏器。Lamaism ?Is it Tibetan ware?

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还有一家藏式店铺。there's like a Tibetan shop.

汉藏班学生。The students of Tibetan class.

藏族阿妈的家就在这里。The Tibetan auntie's house is here.

家藏万金化为零。Home Tibetan million payment to zero.

高级别的包金臧矛攥。High class Tibetan spear with gold inlaid.

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香格里拉在藏语中的意思是理想的天堂。Shangri-la means "ideal heaven" in Tibetan.

他们主要学习英文和藏文。They were mainly taught English and Tibetan.

藏凶,藏,皆为苦处之地。Tibetan fierce, hide, all is troubling land.

藏族饮茶之习的形成正是这样。Tibetan tea is the formation of such habits.

“喜马拉雅”在藏语中是“冰雪之乡”的意思。"Himalaya" means "abode of snow" in Tibetan.

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藏羊是我国数量较多的优良地方羊种。Tibetan sheep is a local breed in our country.

志愿者拦车帮助藏羚羊过马路。Volunteers help Tibetan antelope hit the road.

这是藏寨里十分流行的一种运动。This is a popular sport in the Tibetan village.

2003年当代藏学学术研讨会。Symposium on Contemporary Tibetan Studies, 2003.

汉藏民族歌舞同时展出。Both Tibetan and Han ethnic dances are exhibited.

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藏历的每月十日和廿五日是会供日。The Tibetan 10th and 25th are tsog offering days.

这就是硗碛藏家的“上九节”。This is the "Shangjiu Festival"of qiaoqi Tibetan.

该寺吸引了青Z高原各地的信徒前往朝圣。It draws pilgrims from across the Tibetan plateau.