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艾弗瑞是军队的兵工厂。Avery is army's armory.

你有去过我的打铁铺吗?Have you been to my armory?

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军械库是荣誉堡后面的遗迹。Armory is the Ruins behind Honor Hold.

军械库同时也能扩展建造范围。The Armory also expands your ground control.

他们肯定会前往科拉希营地的军械库。They'll head to the armory at Camp Currahee.

兵工厂的屋顶在风暴中已坍塌。The roof of the armory collapsed during the storm.

每年三月,军械博览会都会在纽约设置展场。Every March the Armory Show sets up shop in New York.

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你可以在她的英雄榜上查到其中的大多数。You can check out a lot of them on her armory profile.

对于演讲人来说,幽默也是一种宝贵的演讲工具。Humour is also a valuable tool in the speech-maker's armory.

魔兽世界英雄榜页面更新了新的功能和工具!The World of Warcraft armory page has just been updated with new features and tools!

在男人的军械库里,魅力是具有魔力的刺,如蜂雀一样轻巧、精细。In the armory of man, charm is the enchanted dart, light and subtle as a hummingbird.

城堡已经空了很多年,最近正计划改建成一个大型购物商场。The armory has sat vacant for years, and plans to build a mall there recently collapsed.

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上周举办的第十三届军械库艺术展有289家画廊参展,比去年多出50家。Last week, the 13th edition of the Armory Show hosted 289 galleries-50 more than last year.

在一系列巧妙而机智的摆设下,突击队兵不血刃,智取军械库。Under a series of the decoration of the clever and witty, commandos firefight, outwit the armory.

修正了重力控制室跟军火库之间有时候没出现障壁的问题。Fixed a problem causing the bulkhead between the Armory and Gravity Control not to show up sometimes.

军械库可以治疗受伤的步兵,甚至可以补充损失的成员,这使。The Armory can heal hurt infantry and even regrows fallen members of the unit, making it very useful.

一张照片显示了学员们在军械库里拿左轮手枪开玩笑似的指着同事。One photo shows cadets playfully pointing revolvers at colleagues in a room that appears to be an armory.

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纽约有幸在后期印象派艺术的“武库展览”中看到了那些画家的作品。New york had its chance at the armory show of post-impressionist art, to see the work of the same artists.

这些诉讼是不足为奇的,他们的外国同行,如苹果,谷歌和三星都试图用专利扼杀在全球智能手机行业的竞争者。Samsung are all trying to use an armory of patents to stifle competition in the global smartphone industry.

来自查尔斯镇的民兵到达了波托马可河大桥位于马里兰州一端,他们向大桥上冲锋,迫使布朗在桥上的人逃向武器库,只有一个人被击中,这个人很快就死了。They charged across, forcing Brown's men on the bridge to flee to the armory. Only one of Brown's men was hit.