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汉语普通话的地位会不会上升?Will Mandarin ascend?

使用上升器上升。To ascend a rope using ascenders.

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所以有人问到,动物也会扬升吗?So I am asked, does an animal ascend?

他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。His ancestors ascend to the 15th century.

就是登上前面那座天游峰啊。We have to ascend Tianyou Peak right ahead.

一小队人在计画攀登圣母峰。A small party was planning to ascend Mt. Everest.

这导致他直接上升到了水面。This forced him to ascend directly to the surface.

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据说这一匹马就要上千卡斯。It is said that this horse ambition ascend kilocalorie Si.

盖亚会提升,那些随她扬升的人会做好准备。Gaia will ascend and those that ascend with her will be ready.

忽然,好想和你牵手,登临泰山。Suddenly, I want to ascend Mt. Taishan with you, hand in hand.

路易十四在哪一年登基成为法国皇帝?。In what year did Louis Quatorze ascend to the throne of France?

上了一层光晕,令他也看不真切。Ascend 1 F light is dizzy, make him also watch not naturalistic.

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不一会儿,她们就听见他走上了楼梯,进了自己的房问。In a few minutes they heard him ascend the ladder to his own room.

天狼星人牺牲了Terra的生命来再生和提升。The Sirians sacrificed the life of Terra to regenerate and ascend.

你通过中脉的路径而提升,并且进入那里去。Through the pathway of Sushumna, Thou dost ascend and enter there.

这个星球已经平稳下来去扬升、去再次加入到宇宙之轮中。The planet is poised to ascend to join the cosmic wheel once again.

其“Ascend精选酒店系列”中的26家酒店更加奢华和昂贵。The 26 hotels in its Ascend Collection are more upscale and expensive.

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无论山再高,我们总有一天可以征服。Though the mountain is high , we can always ascend to its top one day.

倘或你们看见人子升到他原来所在之处,怎吗样呢。What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?

由于灵魂的存在,才有了觉醒和升华至上界的渴望。It is the soul that Awakens and yearns to ascend to the Supernal World.