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选择默认文本是为了便于擦除。The default text is selected to allow easy erasure.

我正在堕落为律师,这一开除却救了我。I was on the brink of becoming a lawyer. This erasure saves me.

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设备檫除由执行发生合适擦掉命令顺序。Device erasure occurs by utting the proper erase command sequence.

有关神经元的话题引起了人们对消除记忆开展新研究。The current issue of Neuron features a new study on selective memory erasure.

就像是完全不可治的健忘症,完全将大脑这个硬盘格式化。We're talking complete irreversible amnesia, complete erasure of the brain's hard drive.

该软件提供擦除一块硬盘上诸如DCO和HPA这样的被锁定和隐藏的扇区的功能。The software provides the erasure of locked and hidden sectors on a hard disk such as DCO and HPA.

研究光折变晶体中多重体全息存储的选择性擦涂和重写技术。To study the selective erasure and rewriting of the multiplexed holographic storage in photorefractive crystals.

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我们可以迫使擦除湿不同的,通过显示的在形式参数T的边界中指定一个超类。We can force the erasure to be different, by explicitly specifying a superclass in the bound for the formal type parameter T.

你会在第二个方法处得到一个编译错误,因为这两个方法在类型消除后拥有一样的签名。You’ll get a compilation error on the second method because the two methods will have an identical signature after type erasure.

此一「抹煞」影响了女性对自己的看法,也使得教会或社会有理由苛责她们。This "erasure" has impacted the way women regard themselves and has legitimated the strictures placed on them by church and society.

胡加尼尔提出,设计出药物控制并且提高钙离子可渗透性AMPARs蛋白质的可移除性,可能能够被用来提高创伤记忆的擦除。Huganir suggests that drugs designed to control and enhance the removal of calcium-permeable AMPARs may be used to improve memory erasure.

他经常将民主社会的八卦记者对私人生活的侵犯比喻为极权社会国家的监视。He has often compared the erasure of private life by prying journalists in democratic societies to state invigilation in totalitarian ones.

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巴米扬空空洞洞的壁龛是一段冷酷残暴统治的证明,不应遗忘,但重建大佛形同某种抹煞历史。The empty niches of Bamiyan are testament to a ruthlessness that should not be forgotten — rebuilding the Buddhas would be a kind of erasure.

现在,一种与遗忘有关的蛋白质在蝇类的体内被发现了,它被用来加快和放慢痛苦记忆的擦除过程。Now a protein responsible for forgetting has been identified in flies, and it's been used to speed up and slow down the erasure of painful memories.

基于数学分析中著名的不动点原理,对于低密度纠删码本文证明了其删除错误译码算法稳定收敛的一充分条件。Based on the known principle of fixed points in mathematical analysis, a sufficient convergence condition of erasure decoding algorithm for erasure codes is shown.

德里达会说,我们总是有必要,使一切事物的空间存在,德里达会说,必须使其,“被涂抹“It always necessarily must, as Derrida would say, put this sense of a spatial full presence of everything there as Derrida would say, must put that "under erasure."

仿真结果表明,在不同误码率下用该算法恢复出的重建语音,不论客观评价或是主观评价,其质量都要优于传统的帧删除掩盖方法。Objective and subjective simulations show that the performance of the proposed scheme is always better than that of the frame erasure method at all bit error rates.

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从试删除的结果,决定能够同时删除最多记录层的最佳删除条件、和遵照最佳删除条件能够以最少次数删除各记录层的数据的最佳顺序。Based on the results of the test erasures, the optimal erasure condition that enables a simultaneous data erasure from the greatest number of data layers is determined.

并且依据上述两种光擦除时间常数,为分批存储热固定多重全息图的等衍射效率记录设计了曝光时序。Furthermore, the exposure schedule for recording holograms with equalized diffraction efficiency is designed based on the above-mentioned optical erasure time constants.

对内嵌图像数据采用交织器结构的不等保护,以抗击包丢失现象,是广泛采用的有效方案。It is an efficient system to protect the embedded image data unequally using the interleaver-based structure in order to combat the packet loss in packet erasure channel.