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这其中的经典川崎市的所有道路。This one's classic Kawasaki all the way.

你坐的高铁是日本新干线E2型列车。The G train you ride are Kawasaki Shinkansen E2 models.

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多摩川河畔。川崎站和蒲田站之间。Tamakawa river side, between Kawasaki station and Kamata station.

最后的南翔古崎园,用超级无聊来形容都不够!Nanxiang final of Kawasaki Park, with super silly enough to describe!

2008年川崎市河口250亚视提供了一个大爆炸,在小型包装。The 2008 Kawasaki Bayou 250 ATV provides a big bang in a small package.

一个“僵尸艺妓”参加了位于日本东京附近的万圣节游行。A ghoulish geisha girl takes part in the Halloween parade in Kawasaki near Tokyo.

主油泵采用德国力士乐、哈威,日本川崎系列。The main oil pumps apply German Rexroth, HAWE series and Japanese Kawasaki series.

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大学毕业后,郑大世成为日本J联赛川崎前锋队的专业球员。After college, he became a professional player for the J-League's Kawasaki Frontale.

但在这样一个严重挑剔的市场环境下,空间是留给更好和最好的。But even in a choosy environment, Kawasaki says, there's always room for better and best.

如果不及时治疗,1/5的川崎病患儿会发展为冠状动脉瘤。Without timely treatment, 1 in 5 children with Kawasaki disease will develop coronary aneurysms.

铃木和斯巴鲁也宣布从世界拉力锦标赛撤军,川崎也退出MOTOGP摩托车赛事。Suzuki and Subaru withdrew from the world rally championship and Kawasaki scrapped its MotoGP team.

除了上面所列出的症状,川崎病患儿还往往表现为易激惹、烦躁不安。In addition to the signs listed above, children with Kawasaki disease are often very fussy or irritable.

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川崎确实精明,三浦抓获了一名嫌犯,也就是老王派进城买药的联络员。Kawasaki really smart, miura arrested a suspect, also is the liaison Lao wang sent to town to buy medicine.

以东京、川崎、横滨为中心的京滨工业地带,是全国第一工业地带。Tokyo, Kawasaki and Yokohama as the center of the Keihin industrial area, is the country's industrial zone.

川琦重工和其他的一些报告对相关的细节有意识的模糊,他们表示合同还没有最后签署。Details were muddied by other reports and by Kawasaki Heavy itself, which said a deal had not yet been signed.

为了协助突击队,东海龙以身赴死,开车拦住川崎。In order to assist the commandos, the east China sea dragon to body is to die, driving a car stopped kawasaki.

KMX15R多路换向阀是日本川崎重工近年研制生产的液压元件。KMX15R multi-way directional valve is a hydraulic component developed by Japanese Kawasaki company in recent years.

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这款车基于川崎忍者摩托车,有雄厚的基础,但外观设计上很有威慑力,而且很有光滑流线型。Based around the Kawasaki Ninja the bike has some solid foundations, but was designed to look intimidating yet sleek.

这是川崎市亚视强调其运动的设计,以及其广泛的立场,更大的轮胎和充分地板。This Kawasaki ATV is highlighted by its sporty design, as well as its wide stance, larger tires and full floorboards.

CSR公司,是另外一家中国铁路机车建造商,对日本川崎重工业制造商也做出了同样的举措。R. bumped Siemens out. CSR Corporation, another Chinese train builder, did the same with Kawasaki Heavy Industries of Japan.