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足底按摩法是我国传统的按摩疗法之一。Thenar massage a traditional massage treatments in China.

上述这些血管在大鱼际交织成网状,营养整个大鱼际皮肤。Vessels mentioned above formed a vessel net to supply thenar skin.

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大鱼际深部血管发出的肌皮穿支。The musculocutaneous perforators were from the deep vessel in thenar.

适用于劲肩、腰背、腹部、大小腿及足底等部位按摩。Used to massage neck, shoulder, waist, back, abdomen, leg, thenar and other body parts.

而鱼际穴主治疾病有咳嗽、咳血、咽喉肿痛、失音和发热。While the thenar main points Governance disease cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, aphonia , and fever.

这就是为什么常按揉大鱼际可提高人体免疫力,增强御风抗寒能力的原因。That is why often Anrou thenar can improve human immunity, strengthening the ability Yufeng cold reason.

足底溃疡是麻风的常见并发症、后遗症,也是主要的致残原因之一。Thenar ulcer is the common complication of leprosy, sequela, also be one of main reasons that cause damage.

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我到外面足吃一顿,再洗桑拿做个足底,再把丢了几年的保龄球捡起来。I arrive outside sufficient eat, wash sauna to do thenar again, come to the bowling pick up that lost a few years again.

结论拇指桡侧指动脉是大鱼际区皮肤的主要营养血管,可以设计以拇指桡侧指动脉为蒂的大鱼际桡侧皮瓣修复修复拇指指腹缺损。A reversed radial thenar island flap pedicled with the TLDA can be designed to repair soft tissue defect of the volar side of the thumb.

根据解剖特点,临床上应用正中神经旋前方肌支修复鱼际支17例,修复尺神经深支3例。In patients, the technique was applied to repair 17 cases of injury of thenar branch and 3 cases of injury of deep branch of ulnar nerve.

应用神经感觉定量分析仪界限法检查双上肢大鱼际掌侧冷感觉、热感觉、冷痛觉、热痛觉阈值。The cold, hot sensation and cold, thermal thresholds of the thenar eminence were detected with the quantitative sensory testing apparatus.

根据人体步态分析的需求,本文设计了一种基于PC机和LABVIEW软件的足底压力测量系统。In this dissertation a Thenar Pressure Measuring System based on PC and the software of LABVIEW is designed in order to analyze the walking pace.

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左右侧之间、鱼际和小鱼际之间,微血管网的形态无明显差民。There is no difference about the morphologic construction of the microvessel networks between the left and the right hand, and between thenar and hypothenar.

目的观察股神经移位至大小鱼际肌支对手部肌的保护功能。Aim To observe the protective effect of femoral nerves transferred to the muscular branches of the thenar and hypothenar muscles on the hand intrinsic muscles.

足底矫形器的生产离不开人脚底的信息获取,这正是输入设备所做的工作。To obtain the information of thenar is indispensable for the production of foot rectification implement, and this is the work that the input equipment will do.

本研究为上臂、前臂、手鱼际和小鱼际皮肤的移植体提供了微血管三维构筑的新资料。This study provides new data of microvascular three dimensional architecture for the skin transplantation of the arm, forearm, thenar and hypothenar skin flaps.

我们报告了一位糖尿病病人的左手拇指和鱼际发生了感染,标准的细菌培养和组织活检都不能找出病原体。We present a report of a diabetic patient with an infection of his left thumb and thenar eminence. Standard cultures of drainage and tissue biopsy were unrevealing.

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目的探讨应用带蒂示指固有伸肌支移位修复尺神经深支及鱼际支术式的可行性,为临床应用提供解剖依据。Objective To provide anatomical basis for transfer of extensor indicis proprius branch of the posterior interosseous nerve to the deep branch of ulnar nerve and thenar branch.

结论正常人大鱼际肌MUNE随年龄增大下降,MUNE有良好的重复性和可靠性,MUNE对MND的定量诊断有重要意义。Conclusions The normal MUNE of thenar muscles decrease with the increase of age, MUNE had good reproducibility and reliability and had great value in quantative diagnosis of MND.

以指、掌根、大鱼际或肘尖为着力点,再治疗部位做轻柔缓和的回旋动作即为揉法。This is a manipulation performed by kneading slowly and softly the therapeutic region to-and fro with fingers, the bottom of the palm, major thenar eminance or the tip of the elbow.