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我毕业于中南大学和哈佛大学。I attended Cental South University and Harvard.

于是,我捡起石头朝河中央掷去。Then, I picked a stone and throwed towards the cental of the river.

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胎盘因素是产科急症子宫切除术的主要指征。Pla cental disorder was the main indication of emergency hysterectomy.

结果表明,腺嘌呤取代基与中心金属锌的轴向配位驱动了自组装。The coordination of adenine substituted to the cental zinc leads to self assembly.

公司以上海为中心,以专业精干的市场形象向华东地区辐射发展。It takes Shanghai as the cental and use special market image to develop in China East.

地区性特别法,是指由中央根据某地区状况制定的、仅适用于该区域的特别法。Regional special laws are enacted by the cental government but enfareed in some particular regions.

作为一名创伤住院总医师或创伤医师,中央动静脉置管术和胸腔置管术应该在1-2分钟内完成,气管造口术应该在5分钟内完成。As a trauma chief resident or trauma surgeon , cental lines or chest tubes should be done in 1-2 minutes, tracheostomy should be within 5 minutes.

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其中包括帮助中国、印度、非洲和拉丁美洲建设能源基础设施的钱。Included in these figures are the costs associated with helping China, India, Africa, and Cental and South America build out their energy infrastructure with renewable sources.

结论显示,信任与被判永远是友谊的主题,然而,这只局限于相似的人当中,不同民族,不同信仰,不同背景的人又有所不同。The findings prove that topics of trust and betrayal are cental to friendship only among those who are more like them, but find many who differ in race, religion, and background.

凯尔特人认为某些地方有更多神灵,特别是池塘、湖泊和小树林,凯尔特人生活中也在这些地方举行宗教仪式。Certain areas were considered more charged with divinity than others, especially pools, lakes and small groves , which were the sites of the cental ritual activities of Celtic life.

在规划当中,我们特别强调要使香港成为成为人民币离岸的结算中心和国际资产中心。It is set out in the 12th five-year plan that the central government will support Hong Kong in developing itself into an offshore RMB business center and an international asset management cental.