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大多数组织都已形成了独特和可以言表的文化。Most organizations have developed unique and describable cultures.

方法采用特殊设计的数据结构和算法流程。Conclusion This describable algorithm is flexible, adaptable and accommodating.

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他首次参与可以称为公共生活的事情是通过素食主义。His first entry into anything describable as public life was made by way of vegetarianism.

如果模式无法描述所选的表示格式,这部分将毫无意义。This section would be meaningless if the chosen representation formats are not describable by a schema.

也就是说,自闭症患者彼此差别是很大的,尽管他们的确有些可叙述的共性。That is, people with autism are radically different from one another, though they do have a few describable commonalities.

它超越了美丽,超越了可以形容的地步,因为没有此能用来表达住在这家酒店的感觉,只能亲身去体验才会知道。It was beyond stunning, beyond anything describable because no words can say how it feels to be at this hotel, you just have to experience it.

大多数组织都已形成了独特和可以言表的文化。这些文化反映在众多因素之中,包括但不限于下列方面。Most organizations have developed unique and describable cultures. These cultures are reflected in numerous factors, including, but not limited to.

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SCA事件结构可以使用XML信息集进行描述,尽管它们不必非得用XML模式来描述,还有其他的类型系统可以用。SCA event shapes are describable using an XML infoset, although they don't have to be described using XML Schema, other type systems could be used.

利用标题的搜索结果后,对可描述类和不可理解类标题识别的F值都提高了0.03。Using search results of titles can improve the performance of the classifiers. The F scores increase 0.03 for both Describable titles and Incomprehensible titles.

许多语用学家认为语用推理无法用形式系统来刻画,只能用非形式的甚至是隐喻性的语汇来描述。In the eyes of many, pragmatic inference has often been seen as a subject that defies formal characterizations and is describable only in non-formal, sometimes metaphorical terms.

在几奈秒内,这些交互作用就毁掉箱子内细致的量子态,取而代之的是可以用古典物理描述的状态。In nanoseconds, these processes destroy the delicate quantum states inside the box and replace them with states describable , to a good approximation, by the laws of classical physics.

可描述它们可以拥有通过元数据描述的自己的业务上下文、策略和服务,可以对元数据进行注释并在目录中发布,以便于搜索、发现和虚拟化。Describable They can have their business context, policies, and services described via metadata that can be annotated and published in a catalog for easy search, discovery, and visualization.