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小猫把线弄成了一团儿。The little cat is knotting the thread into a ball.

它起因打结这是很不容易理清。It causes knotting which is not at all easy to untangle.

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编结方法是针织服装设计领域中的一门古老的科目。Knotting technique is an old subject in knitted wear design field.

腹腔镜下结扎或用圈套器结扎胆囊管及胆囊动脉。Cystic duct and artery were ligated by endoloop or endoscopic knotting.

我们常常会在想接这一根线的时候,接上了另一根线。Often when we think we are knotting one thread, we are tying quite another.

我看过本节描述略有不同的各种打结的书籍。I've seen this knot described slightly differently in various knotting books.

唯一的装饰是衣服领口上精心制作的打结流苏图案。The only decoration is an elaborated pattern of knotting on the neckline of her dress.

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现有用于打结弹簧床芯的输送机构不能用于非打结弹簧床芯的输送。The prior knotted bed core output device can not be used for the delivery of non-core knotting spring bed core.

本公司串珠均为半成品供应,如需打结与链扣,请说明。Our products are usually supplied as semi-finished goods. For knotting and clasp requirement, please kindly advise.

你体会到,并没有任何地形上的类比,在我教你们的这两种解开结的办法。You realize that there is no topological analogy between the two ways of knotting the rings of string I showed you.

她的收藏体现了这一点,结合古老的中国打结创造锁子甲深奥的设计技术。Her collection embodies this, combining chain mail techniques with ancient Chinese knotting to create esoteric designs.

纺织品是一块布,梭织,针织,按下或打结在一起的纤维单件已形成。A textile is a piece of cloth that has been formed by weaving, knitting, pressing or knotting together individual pieces of fiber.

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在拉撒路节,信徒们经常准备棕榈叶,把它们插入木制的十字架上,为星期日的队列做准备。On Lazarus Saturday believers often prepare palm fronds by knotting them into crosses in preparation for the procession on Sunday.

第六章结论,综合以上各章探究,做一整理统合,归结出邱家洪的主要创作意识为何?Chapter 6 conclusion, synthesizes above each investigation , do one sorting integration, return what is main creations consciousness of knotting Jia-Hong Chiu?

他赶紧去到堂屋,一边走,一边往上提着蓝布裤子,并把他的那条蓝色粗布褡裢在腰间围好系牢。He hurried out into the middle room, drawing on his blue outer trousers as he went, and knotting about the fullness at his waist his girdle of blue cotton cloth.

如果你必须在消防队到来之前逃生,那么把被单或类似的物件连结起来做成一条绳子并将一端绑到床或其他的重家具上。If you have to escape before the fire brigade arrives, make a rope by knotting together sheets or similar materials and tie it to a bed or another heavy piece of furniture.