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壁角的驼背忽然高兴起来。The hunchback in the corner by the wall exulted.

传说把理查三世描绘成驼子。Popular tradition portrays Richard III as a hunchback.

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此地的国王是一个驼背小老头。The king of the country was a little old hunchback man.

这个国家的国王是一个驼背小老头。The king of the country was a little old hunchback man.

只见刘驼背朝身旁一个大坟包靠去。Sees hunchback Liu a dynasty a body side a big grave wrap to depend.

老栓只是忙。"It's just that Old Chuan's busy, " said the hunchback. "If his son. . . ."

一天,那个驼背的男子不小心闯入了王子的花园,逼急了王子。One day the hunchback somehow entered the prince's playground and cornered him.

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长大后的加西莫多善良聪明,但他却是个样貌奇丑面容可怖的驼子。Quasimodo was a wise and kindhearted guy, but he had an ugly face and a hunchback.

那最终的孩子站在你身体中央,我像一个丑陋的哑巴驼背那样爱着她。The ultimate baby stands at the center of you, and I love her like I am a mute hunchback.

托拜厄斯的母亲死于难产,而托拜厄斯出生时只有一只眼睛可以看见。Tobias's mother died in labour, and Tobias was born a hunchback with only one working eye.

卡西莫多搬进了一座天主教堂的钟楼里,成了巴黎圣母院的敲钟驼背人。Quasimodo moves into the bell tower of a cathedral and becomes the hunchback of Notre Dame.

隆起的驾驶舱结构是受到俄罗斯雌鹿直升机造型的影响。The hunchback cockpit configuration was influenced by the the Russian Hind helicopter design.

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王子哭泣着听完了男子的话,当他转身的时候,驼背消失了。The prince listened with tears in his eyes and by the time he turned, the hunchback was gone.

我向下看,看到一个驼背的跛子向我们走来。When I looked down the hall I saw what looked like a transparent hunchback limping toward us.

有谣言说迪斯尼曾有一位类似巴黎圣母院中的艾丝美拉达的轻浮女子。Rumor has it that Disneyland had an Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame who was very flirtatious.

我出生的时候,未来的新娘便已许配给我了,上帝还告诉我,我的新娘是个驼子。When i was born, my future wife has already paired with me, and God told me that my wife is a hunchback.

一个小驼背过来主动提出带我去勒桑塞尔先生的办公室,那是第二号人物。A little hunchback came forward and offered to escort me to the office of M. le Censeur, second in charge.

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Barmer的Balun村落里,很多村名尽管很年轻,但是看起来很老,而且患有佝偻病。Dozens of families in Balu village of Barmer look old despite being young and many have developed hunchback.

我差点儿就死了,但就在那时一个老驼背人路过,他很仁慈给了我一整张饼。I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. He was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti.

有一个母亲,带了一个瘸腿而又驼背的孩子回来,作他儿子的游伴。I heard of a mother who brought into her home as a companion to her own son, a crippled boy who was also a hunchback.