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只要漏一点,就会成为喷枪。A leak would have become a blowtorch.

他很快就会以喷灯处理他的作品。Soon, he'll be working his pieces over with a blowtorch.

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焊丝不对中情况下,电弧倾斜系数增大。The arc would lean if the blowtorch deviated from the weld seam.

如果可以,用厨房用喷灯将萨巴雍烧成浅棕色上桌。If desired, use kitchen blowtorch to lightly brown sabayon and serve immediately.

熊彼特专栏尝试着去集中探讨一下这本书中某些富于创造性的解构部分。Schumpeter was tempted to visit some creative destruction on the book with a blowtorch.

“知道了,”那个声音说,“我有气割,我们需要把车厢切割开才能进去,往后站。”"OK, " the voice called. "I have a blowtorch. We can cut our way into the car. Stand back. "

美国政府有两个选项——拿起手术刀,或拿起喷焰灯。There were two options for the United States government -- to pick up a scalpel, or to pick up a blowtorch.

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两个喷灯就可以喷出圆形火焰,喷灯不需转动机构,也同样可使玻璃工件上圆形凸起加热的温度均匀。The blowtorch can make the heating temperature of the circular bulge on the glass work piece become uniform without a slewing mechanism.

气凝胶,地球上最轻的固体物质之一,能够承受一公斤烈性炸药爆炸的直接冲击,能够抵御喷灯产生的1300度以上的高温。Aerogel, one of the world’s lightest solids, can withstand a direct blast of 1kg of dynamite and protect against heat from a blowtorch at more than 1, 300C.

将浆果排列在奶酪布丁的顶部和四周并用萨巴雍淋在浆果上。可按照个人需要,用厨房用喷灯将萨巴雍烧成浅棕色上桌。Arrange berries atop and around each panna cotta and spoon sabayon over berries. If desired, use kitchen blowtorch to lightly brown sabayon and serve immediately.

上周日的夜里,这伙儿盗贼使用喷灯,借助派出所失灵的安全警报系统没能报警而剪断了这个警察调查总部窗户上的金属网。Using a blowtorch and aided by a faulty security alarm that failed to go off, the burglars cut through metal bars on the window of the police investigation headquarters during Sunday night.