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对精神性的追求是艺术发展的原动力和支撑点。Seeking after spirit is the impulsion of development of art.

他们确保适当的冲动,并确定狗的步态特征。They ensure the proper impulsion and determine the dog's characteristic gait.

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决定性的是爱,因为没有爱就没有性的冲动。It is love that determine sex, because there will no sex impulsion without love.

这个解构过程实际上我们可以把它视为一种“弑父”情结冲动。This process can be actually considered as the emotional impulsion of patricide.

我边走边画,感动了我时,我从不放过这个原始冲动。I walk while draw, when I am moved, I ever do not let off this primitive impulsion.

原地踏步必须始终有活跃的前进气势,以及完美的平衡的特点。Piaffe must always be animated by a lively impulsion and characterised by a perfect balance.

从我的了解中,我知道雷亮为了这个无法抵抗的冲动付出了非常巨大的代价。In my comprehension, I realize that Lei Liang has paid out a lot for this unresistable impulsion.

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洗劫商店和纵火源自同样的冲动并满足了同样的渴望。Looting shops and setting them on fire derive from the same impulsion and gratify the same longing.

冲动让人们迷失心智,人们会做他们想做的,在那时忽视了法律。Impulsion makes people lose their mind, people will do whatever they want, they ignore the law at that moment.

处女座的人总是试图将自己的激情和冲动置于理智的控制之下。The constellation virgo person always attempts own fervor and the impulsion puts in the reason under the control.

基于FPGA的数据回收系统可以对高冲击过程中的加速度值进行实时采集回收。The system based on FPGA fits in with the real time measure of the acceleration in the process of high impulsion.

没有了原本的冲动,了解了父母的苦心,懂得去体谅他们的无可奈何。Without the impulsion originally, had understood parents' pains, understood forgives them to have no alternative.

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由于骑手全神贯注在使马曲绕和向侧方推进,常常使前进气势丧失。The impulsion is often lost because of the athlete's preoccupation with bending the horse and pushing it sideways.

白玉的光线是特别的,在黄昏的时候,白玉寺视觉冲击让人心慌意乱。Beam of Baiyu is extraordinary. When it's dark, vision impulsion of Baiyu Temple makes people confused and hysterical.

现在复习最难搞定的是控制自己想玩的冲动,还有就是记性确实不好了。The most awkward problem is to control my impulsion to the games. The memory capacity decline is another, in addition.

这些接头和接箍在长期承受交变、冲击和振动载荷的工作条件下经常发生脱扣,甚至断裂。Those tie-in and adaptor regularly drop out on secular cyclical loading, impulsion and vibration force, even breaking.

在此基础上,考虑外界冲击对股市的影响,有助于对实际股市演化的理解和把握。On the base of this, to consider the effect of impulsion outside to stock is a help to understand and hold actual stock.

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于是,他们便把被压抑的功名冲动,转移到对女性的爱恋崇拜上。Therefore, they then the academic honor impulsion which constrains, shifts femininely to is in love with in the worship.

提出了现有自动空气电空制动机不能满足列车对冲动限制的要求。It is proposed that the existing automatic air electro-pneumatic brake cannot meet the requirement in terms of impulsion limit.

神迹本该发生了,但只是暴雨将至。准备好,去迎接!伴着乱涂乱抹的冲动和快感。The miracle should be happened, but only the rainstorm is approaching. Ready and welcome, with impulsion and joy of the graffiti.