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那你怎么到石工区来了?Then why are you in the masonry section?

一块建筑用石块砸伤。I was hurt by a piece of falling masonry.

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砌体暗渠取代混凝土排水沟。Masonry culvert replaces concrete gutter.

砌体是一种交易,可以追溯到几百年。Masonry is a trade that goes back centuries.

但在真理的所有砌体是充满了含糊不清之处。But in truth all Masonry is full of ambiguity.

砌筑时应避免震惊下层砌体。Laying should avoid shocked the lower masonry.

塔现在不能随着升级石工术来增加胡甲了。All human towers are now unaffected by masonry.

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当我开始造我的烟囱,我研究了泥瓦术。When I came to build my chimney I studied masonry.

一些具体的部位建立在承重砌体基础上。Some specific works are made in load-bearing masonry.

公路桥梁中砌石承重板的性能。Behavior of masonry bearing plates in highway bridges.

在加州,我们已经翻新了所有的砖石结构房屋。In California we retrofit all of the masonry building.

我们的祖先从没有用铁箍来固定砖石建筑。Our ancestors never used cramps to secure their masonry.

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钻头,钻石器,钻孔器用于在岩石或砖石上钻孔的针形钻。A needle-shaped drill for boring holes in rock or masonry.

砌体座椅和钳工邀请和欢迎访客。Masonry seating and benchwork invite and welcome visitors.

圬工职业水平3,练习指导,2004修订版,平装。Masonry Level 3 Trainee Guide, 2004 Revision, Perfect Bound.

主体工程弄清砌筑位置和门窗洞口位置。Identify the main windows and masonry location hole location.

再紧靠着这堵新墙,重新堆好尸骨。Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones.

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折叠的白色立面用砌筑技术构造出来。The folding white façade was formulated by masonry techniques.

木,石,砌筑工作是整个房子突出。Wood, stone and masonry work are conspicuous in the whole house.

沉重的砌面填料马上压向商用楼层。Heavy masonry infills start immediately above the commercial floor.