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水上灭火演练。Fire extinguishment is practiced on water.

细水雾抑制熄灭木块火焰的主要机理是燃料表面冷却效应。The main mechanism of extinguishment was the surface cooling effect.

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第四部分是一般债权质权的实行和消灭。Part four details execution and extinguishment of pledge on general obligation.

早期消除债务的得失被归类为非常项目。Any gain or less on early extinguishment of debt is classified as extraordinary.

第三章论述了船舶优先权消灭的特殊原因。The third chapter discusses the unique cases of the extinguishment of maritime liens.

第五章则探讨了船舶担保物权的相对消灭问题。The fifth chapter discusses the case of relative extinguishment of security right on ships.

本文以船舶担保物权的消灭问题为研究对象。This thesis covers the area of the extinguishment of security right on ships in maritime law.

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普通的炸弹有密封的外壳保温,所以不会自己熄灭,但是白矮星没有这种东西。Unlike an ordinary bomb, a star has no walls to confine it and prevent this self- extinguishment.

课程从灭火理论开始,介绍风险源及防火装置。It will start with theory of fire and extinguishment and explain sources of risk and fire protection installations.

一切热爱和平的人们联合起来,决不能让人类文明前进的火炬熄灭!All peace-loving people should be united to avoid extinguishment of torch light for the advancement of human civilization.

我的心中突然涌起一股莫名的悲哀,属于我的21个春秋一会儿就要随着蜡烛的熄灭而悄然流逝。In the heart surges suddenly an inexplicable sorrow, belongs to my 21 spring and autumn a while to pass quietly along with candle's extinguishment.

很可能河东岸从街道变成繁忙的高速公路这一事件,导致了餐馆的灭亡。It was very possible the transfer of the east bank of Don River from a street to a busy highway contributed to the extinguishment of the restaurant.

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系统的工作压力也对细水雾的灭火性能有影响,在较高的工作压力下,细水雾的平均灭火时间较短。The nozzle working pressure also influences the fire suppression effectiveness, and it is found that the extinguishment time is shorter under lower pressure.

玩火时,一旦火势蔓延或者留下未熄灭的火种,容易引起火灾。2.不吸烟。When plays with fire, once the fire intensity spread or does not leave behind the extinguishment kindling material, easy to cause the fire. 2. does not smoke.

被击中时会模拟中弹后的喊声、蜂鸣、灯光熄灭间隔五秒钟后才能继续投入战斗。After hitting when will be simulated is hit the shout, the buzzing, the light extinguishment are separated five seconds later can continue to put into the fight.

由于添加剂对于细水雾灭火效果各有利弊,采用正交设计的方法确定复合添加剂的组成和质量分数。Because the effect of additives for fire extinguishment is uncertain, the composition and concentration of compound additives was made certain by orthogonal design.

介绍了全煤开拓复杂构造易燃煤层自燃影响因素,分析了无煤柱开采综放工作面防灭火难点和自然发火原因,提出了防治技术对策。In this paper, spontaneous combustion causes for coal bed are introduced, the difficulty of prevention and extinguishment is analyzed and some methods are put forward.

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在最佳实验条件下,实现了有效而稳定的淬灭,达到间接测定苦杏仁甙的目的,结果满意。The effective and stable extinguishment was shown in the best condition so that the measurement of amygdalin could be determined indirectly. The result was satisfying.

在油池火灭火实验中发现通过火焰冷却灭火时所需时间较短,而依靠燃料表面冷却灭火时则时间较长。In pool fire suppression tests it was observed that the fire extinguishment by flame cooling took a very short time, while extinguishment by surface cooling took a longer time.

增大水压时,格栅对水量的分布的影响会减弱,当压力足够大时,能够接近无格栅时的灭火效率,可以保证自动喷水灭火系统在安装格栅吊顶后的灭火有效性。In this paper, the distribution of water and the fire extinguishment efficiency of ASS were studied experimentally, when the grid ceiling was installed below the sprinkler head.