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然而,缓刑成本是高昂的。The cost of the reprieve was high, however.

最后一刻的缓刑令把他从绞架上解救了下来。He was saved from the gallows by a lastminute reprieve.

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但杀害警察的人很可能不在缓刑的候选之列。But police-killers are unlikely candidates for reprieve.

除非缓刑,那个被宣判的人将于星期五被处绞刑。Unless there is a reprieve the condemned man will hang on Friday.

不过若我是微软高层,肯定不会因这“缓刑”而坐立不安、茶饭不思。But if I was Microsoft, I wouldn't be holding my breath for a reprieve.

当代世界刑罚的整体发展趋势是刑罚轻缓化。The developing trend of penalties is the penalty reprieve on the world today.

寒假意味着终于可以理所应当地摆脱日常的家庭作业和课业任务。Winter break means a well-deserved reprieve from homework and daily obligations.

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吸烟者也许能令他们饱受烟毒困扰的肺部好受一些了。Smokers might get a future reprieve on thedamage that cigarettes do to their lungs.

而能让你暂时从痛苦中解脱的唯一办法就是更多的购物。The only thing that gives you a momentary reprieve from your misery is more shopping.

因为国家是借款人的特殊原因,英国政府获得了缓刑。Britain gained this reprieve because it has some things going for it as a sovereign borrower.

为了改造那些犯有死罪但还有可能改造的罪犯,中国独创了判处死刑缓期二年执行的制度。Be reformable , China has created a unique system of a death penalty with a two-year reprieve.

在程序方面提出,要明确规定死缓案件核准的期限。In the aspect of procedure, the law should definitely prescribe the term of sanction of reprieve.

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即使是反对派报纸给主席从他们的倒钩暂时缓刑。And even the opposition newspapers have given the president a temporary reprieve from their barbs.

这个短视的暂缓行为使得痼疾在身的一些银行例如花旗的股价得以大幅提升。The short-sighted reprieve led to a huge rally in the shares of stricken banks such as Citigroup.

死缓轨制即死刑缓期两年执行的轨制,是本人国的一项共同的科罚轨制。Death sentence with a reprieve system is commuted two years system, is a unique system of punishment.

必须从程序和实体两方面对死缓制度的适用进行控制。Must control the application of the death penalty with reprieve from the procedure and substantiality.

这暂时缓解了费迪南德的窘境,他得以和特里搭挡参加英格兰的最后一场世界杯预选赛。It means an immediate reprieve for Ferdinand who will partner Terry for England's final World Cup qualifier.

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一些参加过雷曼兄弟谈判的管理人士对火线救援保留了一丝希望。Some executives involved in the Lehman discussions held out hope that an 11th-hour reprieve would materialize.

现年53岁,是欧洲第一个在中国执行了50年来,根据英国法律小组缓刑。The 53-year-old is the first European executed in China in 50 years, according to the British legal group Reprieve.

然而,其可能引起的对国家刑事实体处分权的松动及刑罚轻缓化泛化等的趋向不能不令人担忧。We can not help worrying that it may make disposition power of criminal justice weak and penalty reprieve possible.