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一些线性代数。Some linear algebra.

每一个都是线性的。Each of them are linear.

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但这是一个线性搜索。But this is a linear search.

这三个点成一条直线。The three points are linear.

你回答对了,顺便问问?Somebody else. Yeah. Linear. Why?

爱是断线的风筝。The love is to break linear kite.

这棵树上长着的是长叶子。This is a tree with linear leaves.

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Webinar广告中明亮的线性渐变Bright linear fade in Webinar banner

我仍然有线性的关系。I still have my linear relationship.

对数?线性?指数?平方?Log? Linear? Exponential? Quadratic?

如此线力气喇叭筒被采用。So linear power amplifier is adopted.

每个文件都包含有线性PCM精髓。Each file contains linear PCM essence.

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我把这些例子按线性方式组织。I organize examples in a linear fashion.

恩,这个就不那么显然了。OK. Can we sort it in linear time? Hmmm.

我可以两步把问题的规模缩小一半。That's a sign that it's probably linear.

纵坐标比例尺以分贝为单位是线性的。The ordinate scale is linear in decibels.

琼脂糖是一种天然的直链多糖。Agarose is naturally linear polysaccharide.

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直线筛,使用震动电机。Linear screen, the use of electrical shock.

现在是-,依然看上去很线性。We're now 26-- it still looks quite linear.

纱线细度是纱线线密度的一种度量方法。Yarn number is a measure of linear density.