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我把它叫做现实。I call it realistic.

制定符合实际的目标。Sett realistic goals.

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这诗是写实的。This poetry is realistic.

但我必须面对现实。But I have to be realistic.

这两方都是多么现实啊。How realistic are both sides?

但是我也想要现实一点。But I also want to be realistic.

但是,我们需要让她们变得现实起来。But we need to make them realistic.

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我想要制定一个现实的标准。I wanted to set a realistic standard.

你是否实际了解交通状况?Are you being realistic about traffic?

我需要世界设定来让我跑团的时候感觉更逼真。I need a game setting to feel realistic.

但是,Borchelt的建议是否具有现实可行性?But are Borchelt's suggestions realistic?

它灰暗色,满是灰尘,但十分逼真。It was dark and dusty and very realistic.

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让他们进入状态是不现实的,要知道,我们只进行了六次训练。That’s not realistic after six practices.

问题在于这是否还是现实。The question is whether this is realistic.

或许社会也太现实孒。The society also too was perhaps realistic.

这就是写实主义的缺陷。This is a deficiency in realistic painting.

和老虎我需要现实的盾。And the Tiger I needs its realistic mantlet.

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其他梦则更为普通或现实。Other dreams are more ordinary or realistic.

请头脑冷静下来,现实一点吧。Please be a little realistic and cool-headed.

儒学于当前有何现实意义和价值?。What is its realistic significance and value?