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语篇开始成为对比研究新的着眼点。Text has become the new emphasis of contrastive study.

这论难可以通过对比分析来预测。These difficulties can be predicted by contrastive analysis.

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对比语用学与语言教学之间存在一种自然的内在联系。There exists a natural and inner links between contrastive pragmatics and language teaching.

叠字是由形、音、义均相同的汉字重叠使用构成的,有广义、狭义之分。This paper aims to make a systematic contrastive study of reduplication in Chinese and English.

在矿山地质工作中,探采对比是一项技术性很强的工作。It's very technical of contrastive analysis of prospection and exploitation in mine geologic work.

音系类预设触发语属于动态句子,主要是对比重音。Phonological presupposition trigger is mainly the contrastive stress, belonging to dynamic sentence.

第二部分主要是俄汉语是非问句的句法结构对比研究。Contrastive study of syntax structure of yes-no questions in Russian and Chinese is made in part two.

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本文是关于英汉语原因状语从句的对比分析研究。This paper intends to make a contrastive study on adverbial clauses of reason in English and Chinese.

文章提议将“体裁对比分析”的方法应用到英语写作课堂上来。This paper proposes that a genre-based contrastive approach be adopted in English writing instruction.

最后,针对模拟实验结果对三个模型进行了对比分析。At last, we gave a contrastive analysis of the three models according to the results of the experiments.

采用夹套式和壳管式两种水冷却器进行了热声驱动脉管制冷的对比实验。Contrastive experiments with jacket type water coolers and shell-and-tube water coolers are carried out.

并进行了螺旋通道型旋转床超重力法与搅拌槽反应法的对比实验。The contrastive experiment between the stirred tank reactor and RBHC high-gravity reactor was performed.

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本文记述了在外语课堂学习中合作学习的对比性研究。This thesis reports a contrastive study of Cooperative Learning in Foreign Language Learning Environment.

介绍了后向散射回波与信标光到达角起伏的原理性比对实验。The contrastive experiment of back-scattering echo and beacon angle-of-arrival fluctuation was introduced.

一次品酒聚会通常会品尝两三支以上的红酒,以期达到对比的效果。Usually, one wine tasting party will taste over two or three red wines so as to reach contrastive effects.

文章分析了汉英习语的喻体及其联想效果上存在对应的关系。This article is a contrastive study of Chinese and English idioms in their images and associative meanings.

便于进行对比研究,本研究借鉴了两个本族语语料库数据LOB和BROWN。For the purpose of conducting a contrastive study, two native speaker corpuses—BROWN and LOB—are referred to.

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对比分析表明,汉语和西日耳曼语支的英语、德语和荷兰语一样,也存在附加语中间结构。This contrastive analysis shows that as in West Germanic languages, there also exist adjunct middles in Chinese.

在论文中,笔者对文化词语的中英文就以上几个方面进行对比。This thesis attempts to contrast the culture-specific words in English and Chinese with the contrastive approach.

在第二语言教学中,教师应该正确把握对比分析理论的原则,以便有效地应用该理论。Teachers should grasp Contrastive Analysis well in order to use it effectually in the teaching of second language.