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工人们正在梳理亚麻。The workers weer teasing flax.

亚麻籽是我的最爱。Flax seed is a favorite of mine.

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亚麻远离火苗,青年阔别赌博。Keep flax from fire, youth from gaming.

大马哈鱼、核桃、菜籽油和亚麻籽。Salmon, Walnuts, Canola Oil, and Flax Seed.

用于对亚麻短纤维束进行加捻。Used to twist the flax short bundle fibers.

用于定量称重亚麻的纤维或麻茎试样。Used to weight the flax fiber or flax caudex sample.

她寻找羊绒和麻,甘心用手做工。She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.

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油用尽了,麻冒烟,他们就吹灭。When the oil ran out, the flax smoked and they quenched it.

胡麻是一种优良的纺织原料。Oil_used flax is a kind of fine material of textile industry.

樱桃,向日葵籽和亚麻籽都含有这种荷尔蒙。Cherries, sunflower and flax seeds have traces of this hormone.

然而,如果这么做将会消耗更多的亚麻籽。However, in doing so, relatively more flax seed must be consumed.

高档含麻卷烟纸麻浆首选亚麻浆。Thus high-level containing hemp cigarette paper first chooses flax.

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搭配亚麻长裙,女孩素雅亲切感自然流露。Tie-in flax long skirt, girl simple but elegant kindness naturally.

亚麻沤制废水是高浓度有机废水。Flax retting wastewater is organic wastewater of high concentration.

饼皮上则添增全麦、小麦胚芽、亚麻籽、竹炭粉、多层次烧饼等不同种类。For the crust, they've added whole wheat, flax seeds and wheat germ.

本公司棉、麻、毛各类织品,色色俱全。Our company has all sorts of fabrics, including Cotton, flax and wool.

环绕亚麻花开的田野边,你走过那窄窄的小路。You went by the narrow road that skirted the blossoming field of flax.

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茎秆纤维是纺织工业的重要原料。The fiber from flax is an important raw material of textile industries.

再生麻纤维是一种新型的再生纤维素纤维。The regenerated flax fiber is a new type of regenerated cellulose fibre.

其中总辐射通量是紫外光源的一项重要技术指标。Thereinto, radiant flax is a very important qualification of ultraviolet source.