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她已不再是一个单纯的空气。She was no longer a mere Magus.

法师知道他的潜能。The Magus knows of his potential.

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今晚你要披什么披风哪——大法师的紫色披风?What mantle will you wear tonight—the purple of royal magus?

今晚你要披什么披风哪——大法师的紫色披风?What mantle will you wear tonight—the purple of royal magus ?

所以我派最快的信使把大法师请来。Which is why I sent the fastest messenger to fetch the Magus.

作为一个魔法师,意味着改变你所处的世界,改变你自己。To be a Magus is to change the world around you , and yourself.

如果我可以播放对他的自我和虚荣做所有魔术家有这个缺点?If I can play to his ego and vanity do all Magus have this flaw?

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反置的法师寻找他内部尚未被探索的力量。The Inverted Magus seeks, but has not yet found, his inner power.

她似乎与一般人类有所不同,但她也不像是魔术师。She's different from ordinary men, yet she doesn't seem to be a Magus.

当然,不要以为有锁链束缚就可以低估他的力量。Of course, even a chained Magus Ascendant is somebody you want to avoid underestimating.

只不过是大法师想让你跟他一起飞去暴风城而已,没什么大不了的事。It's only the Magus that wants you to fly with him to StormwindCastle. Nothing important.

其中一只野兽发出一声挑衅的吼叫,而强大的星界法师只是轻轻一挥手就立刻让它收了声。One of the beasts let out a bellow , and the rogue magus silenced it with a wave of his hand. Something.

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这个故事里梅林必须要和拥有强大魔法力量的邪恶女巫迷姆夫人决一死战。White's tale, Merlin is forced to struggle with Madam Mim, an evil witch at least as powerful as the great magus.

自2000年创建以来,麦杰科技始终坚持“科技强国,自主创新”这一信念。Since the inception in 2000, magus technology always adhere to the "technological power, independent innovation" as its belief.

有些人跪倒在地,号啕着双手叉在粪土泥污的地面上,叫喊着恳求法师令大地息怒。Some fell to their knees, wailing and pressing their hands in the muck and mud, shouting in supplication to the magus to ease his anger.

法师的主要形象为白色幽灵盔甲和锁链是他的“高能”的形式,而底部的盾状形象是他“低能”的形式。The main image of Magus as a white ghost with armor and chains is his "super-charged" form, while the bottom shield-like image is his "low-energy" form.

当西格蒙德听说这件事之后他要求我们重新举行那仪式,但是这次,他要领来他的“法师,”将他介绍至克劳利市以及引领进入魔法领域的家伙。When Sigmund heard about it he demanded we do the ritual again, but this time, he wanted to bring along his " magus , " the guy who'd introduced him to Crowley and magic.

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麦迪文不该为自己的恶行负责,而他临终前对卡德加说的遗言也让他明白,星界法师一直在和自己体内的那个恶魔斗争着,可能他一辈子都没停过。Medivh had not been responsible for his own actions, and his dying words to Khadgar had revealed that the Magus had been fighting the evil within himself for years, perhaps all his life.