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沙巴医师曾有过骨折,最后替换髋关节。Dr. Saba Saba had a hip fracture and ended up having a hip replacement.

反对派控制了也门官方的Saba通讯社与国有航空公司。Opposition control of the official Saba news agency and the Yemeni state-owned airlines.

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萨巴还说,总统对海湾合作委员会的领导通过对话的方式解决危机所做的努力表示感谢。Saba said the president thanked the GCC leaders for their efforts to solve the crisis through dialogue.

济南市代表团应以色列卡法萨巴市邀请访问以色列,该市与济南市于2009年结为友好城市。The Jinan delegation was invited to visit Israel by the city of Kfar Saba of Israel, which became sister city with Jinan in 2009.

采用SAS统计分析系统对577头撒坝猪的3个体重性状和5个体尺性状进行了典型相关分析。The canonical correlation analysis was carried on 3 body weight traits and 5 body size traits in two groups from 577 Saba pigs by using SAS.

BBC记者萨巴·爱提然斯报道称,邻居在听到尖叫声后报的警,但警方抵达时,拉菲克已遇害。Neighbours contacted authorities after hearing screaming, but Ms Rafiq was already dead by the time police arrived, BBC reporter Saba Eitizaz says.

在大使被召回数小时后,萨巴说谢赫哈马德先生寄了一封信到也门的相关部门——亚洲广播联盟,去澄清卡塔尔的职位。Hours after the ambassador was recalled, Saba said Mr. bin Jassem sent a letter to his Yemeni counterpart, Abu Bakr al-Qurbi, to clarify Qatar's position.

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萨巴说,这些人员先前主要在赫拉特省的信丹德地区活动,他们投降后将有助于政府加强对信丹德地区的控制。Saba said that these officers mainly in Herat province earlier Shindand district activities, their surrender will help the Government to strengthen control of Shindand district.

一些圣萨巴区附近上了年纪的支持者甚至仍然记得拉涅利家开的肉店,以及当年十几岁的克劳迪沃是怎样骑着车到处送肉块的。Some older supporters from around the San Saba district even remember the Ranieri family's butchers shop, and how Claudio himself would deliver cuts of meat by bike as a teenager.

研究人员称,“此前的研究表明,沮丧与健康不佳之间有着很高的关联性,我们的研究也与此一致。”"Our findings are consistent with earlier studies that have shown a high degree of association between depression and disability, " commented lead author Saba Moussavi of the WHO and colleagues.

焉书记感谢高大使拨冗会见,简要介绍了济南市与以色列卡法萨巴市和舒华集团、凯丹集团等以色列企业的合作情况。Secretary Yan expressed thanks to Ambassador Gao for her time, and briefed Jinan's cooperation with the city of Kfar Saba of Israel and some Israeli companies such as Tshuva Group and Kardan Group.