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你去过植物博物馆吗?Have you ever been to the Botanical Museum?

我不太熟悉植物学方面的名称。I am not very familiar with botanical names.

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世界植物资源的宝库?A world treasure-trove of botanical resources?

它的植物学上的名字是百合科百合属植物。The botanical name is lilium in the liliaceae family.

欢迎光临中国科学院华西亚高山植物园!Welcome to the West China Subalpine Botanical Garden!

这张照片摄于在埃尔兰根植物园。The picture was taken at the Botanical Garden in Erlangen.

本草学家在十六世纪曾统治了整个植物界。Herbalists dominated the sixteenth century botanical world.

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梧桐是中国文学重要的植物意象。Wutong tree is a key botanical image in Chinese literature.

植物博物馆是一个非常棒的地方,值得参观。Well, the Botanical Museum is a real nice place to go visit.

但他那些植物学的同行们没有马上同意他的观点,他们要求更多的证据。His botanical colleagues were slow to agree, requiring more proof.

布朗克斯动物园很棒,植物园也很赞,适合男女参观。Bronx zoo is fine, Botanical Gardens is great, for males and females.

所以在我的成长过程中,我参观了植物馆、博物馆、艺术还有其它的东西。So as me growing up to see the Botanical and the museum and arts and stuffs,

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这是可在线查询的有关植物学信息的网上资源。The AVH is an on-line botanical information resource accessible via the web.

今年的花朝节,我和一行人来到武汉植物园过花朝节。This year, we will spend the Flower Fairy Festival in Wuhan Botanical Garden.

司徒雷登博士的植物茶已赢得了味觉和有效性等多项殊荣。Dr Stuart's Botanical teas have won a number of awards for taste and efficacy.

植物园里有许多各种植物,尤其是仙人掌居多。The botanical garden had many different plants and trees, especially cactuses.

到了16世纪中叶,园林艺术也发生了新的变化。To the 16th century middles, botanical garden art has also had the new change.

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比如无细胞体系,在细胞凋亡的应用中有不可取代的优越性。And the results were great in cell-free system of mammalian and botanical cells.

探究植物园,药草农场或附近的公园或户外休闲区。Explore a botanical garden, herb farm or nearby park or outdoor recreation area.

它穿过了霍拉桥的桥底,植物园已经呈现在眼前。It passed under the Howrah Bridge and came within sight of the Botanical Garden.