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奥硝唑可以治疗什么病啊?What disease can abstruse saltpetre Zun treat?

爱因斯坦的相对论非常难懂。Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse.

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哲学语义学深奥难懂。Philosophical semantics is too abstruse to understand.

最深邃难明的课非微积分莫属。My most abstruse class was Advanced Calculus Mathematics.

鲁迅的著作非常深奥难解,你必须从字里行间去仔细体会。Lu Xun's works are very abstruse. You must read between the lines.

我们讲了一辈子马克思主义,其实马克思主义并不玄奥。We have advocated Marxism all our lives. Actually, Marxism is not abstruse.

一个能进行深奥的数学计算的丈夫有什么好处?What is the good of a husband who can make abstruse mathematical calculations?

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夜机密地把花凋谢了,却让文日去领蒙谢词。The night opens the flowers in abstruse and acquiesces the day to get acknowledgment.

拉扎里迪斯先生评论说,即便是最为深奥的领域,从长远来看也会带来实际的好处。Even the most abstruse fields, Mr Lazaridis observes, yield practical benefits in the long run.

其语言往往采用口语式的表达,用贴近生活的语言论述深奥的书法原理。He likes to use oral expressions and living languages to discuss the abstruse calligraphy theories.

完成这个不太可能实现的目标的秘诀,是着眼于另一个更奥妙的天体—-白洞得到的。The recipe for this unlikely object was discovered by looking at an even more abstruse entity, the.

因为要凑足这字数还是要比较深奥点的主题。Because want happen by chance sufficient this word number or the theme that want more abstruse place.

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埃尼迪斯对某些批评家提出的问题进行了深邃而精确地论证。Ioannidis deployed an abstruse mathematical argument to prove this, which some critics have questioned.

可是对一个车轮师父而言,这些之乎者也的文言文是太深而难懂的。To a craftsman, the ancient article with recondite and scholastic words was too abstruse to understand.

很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒充内行的人现代英汉词典。It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan.

这就是”太极之功,阴阳之理“,也是梅花桩的深奥之处。All of these the TaiChi Boxing, the principles of Yin and Yang also the abstruse secret of the Plum Stakes.

我问一个画家,空白是什么,他说,空白是无限,这种说法显然太玄了。I once asked an artist, "What is the blank space? " He replied that it was infinity. This answer was too abstruse.

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很容易想象,我们平日里是不太愿意同这样的人在一起进行这种深奥的讨论的。It can well be imagined that one would not ordinarily relish being drawn into abstruse discussions with such a person.

对于年轻学生而言,因为缺乏那个领域的基本知识,这位哲学家的理论听上去太深奥了。The philosopher's theory sounds too abstruse to the young students, for they lacked the basic knowledge in that field.

对典故的深入研究和细致梳理,有助于对历史文化的探幽寻秘。A deep study and careful organization of the literary quotations will help delve into the abstruse history and culture.