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而这是一个暗示。That was an implication.

沉默意味着同意。The implication of silence infers consent.

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在您眼里,东方意蕴是怎样的?In your opinion, what is the eastern implication?

这是根据一项对老鼠的研究得出的结论。That’s the implication of a study done with rats.

他仿佛蕴藉的否认了那个事实。He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact.

处处隐含着一派金戈铁马的气息。The implication of the jianmen everywhere a breath.

这些对我们的未来有着有趣的暗示。All this has interesting implication for our future.

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杜鹃鸟意象的情感意蕴。Second, the emotional imagery implication of cuckoo.

他被嫌疑与几起盗窃案有牵连。He was suspected of implication in several robberies.

蕴涵怪论的产生并非来自蕴涵关系本身。It does not come from the implication relation itself.

而其中最容易出错的是蕴涵联结词。Of them the connective implication is easily mistaken.

她说得很少,然而有很多话中有话。She said very little, but a great deal by implication.

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阿谀奉承,其言外之意就是要从中捞取好处。The implication is to curry favour, benefits from fish.

但是其他学者认为,这条规律至少有一种强烈的暗示。But others argue it has at least one strong implication.

我讨厌你这话的弦外之音,似乎我的工作不能令人满意。I resent your implication that my work is unsatisfactory.

但戈多的内涵一直是一个探讨的热点。But the implication of Godot has been a focus of discussion.

他微微一笑,但这一笑暗示着他不相信我的话。He smiled, but the implication was that he didnt believe me.

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看来这就是你们说的“来源地不明”的言下之意了?It seems that this is your "unknown source" The implication?

松属花粉的形态特征及其研究意义。Morphological character of Pinus pollen and its implication.

这个暗示就是植物是为人所造。So the implication is that the vegetation is for the humans.