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一些线性代数。Some linear algebra.

所以可以将其与代数相比。So, compare it to algebra.

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他将教代数学。He will be teaching algebra.

那是一个代数问题。So that’s an algebra question.

他了解几何和代数。He comprehends geometry and algebra.

张量代数则离不开坐标系。Tensor algebra is tied to coordinates.

明天我有一个关于代数学的数学考试。I have a math test on algebra tomorrow.

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——第一次月经那天在代数考试中得了A。Algebra. It was first period. I aced it.

我们班在代数上有大量的练习。Our class got lots of drills in algebra.

但是这只是数学问题But that's just kind of algebra and math.

她要做的就是学完学院的代数课程。All she must do is complete college algebra.

所有布尔代数都包含一个素理想。Every Boolean algebra contains a prime ideal.

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这些数字本身当然是平凡无奇The algebra is, of course, very trivial here.

玛丽。马塔萨琳教我代数和几何。Mary Matassarin taught me algebra and geometry.

然后开始代数变换。And then starting to turn the crank on the algebra.

“代数学”这个词就来自于那本书的名字。The word algebra comes from the title of this book.

你需要有很好的线性代数技能。You do need to have very good linear algebra skills.

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代数AQ叫做量子多项式代数。The algebra AQ is called a quantum polynomial algebra.

教授或个别辅导一级丶二级代数及几何等。Teach or tutor students in Algebra I, II, Geometry, etc.

二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数分支。The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equation.