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我是拉拉队员,你知道吗?I don't know how to speak cheerleader.

你搞过金发的拉拉队员么?。You ever have sex with blond cheerleader?

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我在纸上画了一幅拉拉队领队的漫画。I drew a cartoon of a cheerleader on my paper.

我女儿以为她一辈子都会当拉拉队员。My daughter thinks she can be a cheerleader her whole life.

加油声此起彼伏,这是我们班的拉拉队发出的声音。Filling sound come and go, this is our class cheerleader voice.

露美是丹佛野马拉拉队的34名成员之一。Romi is one of the 34 members of the Denver Broncos cheerleader team.

我的学校里每个人都听过你就是那个双性啦啦队员?Everyone at my school heard it. You were the hermaphrodite cheerleader?

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然后我们还在湖边野餐,爸爸还下湖游泳了,我给他做拉拉队。And then we had a picnic by the lake, Daddy was swimming, I am his cheerleader.

一款小恒泰游戏,你要操啦啦队女孩叫莉娜。A little hentai game in which you are going to fuck a cheerleader girl called Lena.

但是熊彼得对工商业历史了解得太深透了,不会为它摇旗呐喊。But Schumpeter knew far too much about the history of business to be a cheerleader.

这个有着很强综合能力的女孩是班上的班长,是学校啦啦队的,并且是合唱队的一员。The multi-talented girl was class president, a cheerleader and performed with the choir.

肯德基正在大城市的学校中赞助一系列体操和“拉拉队”比赛。KFC is sponsoring a series of gymnastics and cheerleader contests for schools in big cities.

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杰西卡·盖若和她的啦啦队员朋友用一辆车,要创建一个最欢乐的舞蹈例程。Jessica Girod and her cheerleader friends use a car to create one of the most hilarious dancing routines.

接着从新的起点你再往下退化,并持续退化—应援团女生,发廊打工妹,酒吧女招待,工地女大壮。Then from there you plunge and keep plunging — a cheerleader. A hairdresser. A waitress. A female construction worker.

当时她穿着蓝白相间的拉拉队领队装,百褶裙呈扇形摊开,套头衫从上到下沿着中间被剪开。She was wearing her blue and white cheerleader outfit, the pleated skirt fanned out and the sweater cut right down the middle.

美国最流行的美容手术就是隆胸,这和橄榄球啦啦队员一样富有美国特色。The most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States is the boob job. It’s as American as a football cheerleader.

我们台湾地区将有十六位会友,将参加从本周末开始连续一周在美国华府所举行的一系列世界年会活动。And D67 will have a 16 cheerleader delegates to help the campaigns and join the TI Annual Convention at Washington D. C. from this weekend.

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电视记者达琳·凯文莉亚运行一个受欢迎的网站,即所谓的科学啦啦队,同时也是一位公民科学的主要倡导者。Darlene Cavalier is a television journalist who runs a popular site called Science Cheerleader and is a leading advocate for citizen science.

这款应用甚至有一个叫“激烈”的数字啦啦队功能,它会把你这段时间的训练记录和你的训练重点电邮给你。The app even has a digital cheerleader called the "inspire" feature, which emails you your session logs and recaps the stretches you've done.

我们的关系在二十年前就已经和平的结束了,但在网上,我又一次成为了他精神层面上的评论家,拉拉队,以及红颜知己。Our relationship had mercifully ended over two decades ago, but online, once again, I was his phantom critic, his cheerleader and his confidant.