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早晨好,我是马克尼机长。Good morning. This is Captain Marconi speaking.

影片最精彩的地方就是蛮尼救爱丽。Video is the best place to save Aili very Marconi.

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收音机是1895年由古尔亚莫·马可尼发明的。The radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895.

我的父亲于1946年回到马可尼公司任总工程师。My father returned to the Marconi Company as Engineer in Chief in 1946.

特斯拉丶马可尼和傅肯涅里都是星光兄弟会的成员。Tesla, Marconi and Fulcanelli are all members of the Brotherhood of the Star.

他成功让通用电气公司专注于IT和交流,把它重新命名为Marconi。His successor focused the company on IT and communications, renaming it Marconi.

古格里莫马可尼出生于意大利的博罗格那,在电话被发明的那一年。Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy, the year the telephone was invented.

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欢迎大家乘坐飞往温尼伯国际机场的333次航班。This is Captain Marconi speaking. to Flight 333 to Winnipeg International Airport.

制造于1936年的这台马可尼702型是现存英国最老的一台尚可运行的电视机。Built in 1936, the Marconi type-702 is the oldest working television set in Britain.

1937年7月20日,意大利物理学家、发明家马可尼逝世,享年63岁。Italian physicist and inventor Guglielmo Marconi died on July 20th at the age of 63.

古格里莫·马可尼出生于意大利的博罗格那,在电话被发明的那一年。Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy, th e year th e telep hone was invented.

1895年,意大利马可尼和俄国波波夫同时发明无线电波。In 1895, Marconi , Italy and Russia Popov at the same time the invention of radio waves.

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马克尼具有一种能发现有才华的科学家的特殊本领,这些科学家大多是自学成才的。Marconi had a special talent for finding brilliant scientists who were largely self-taught.

一台制造于1936年的“马克尼702型”电视机日前成为英国最早的可使用电视机。Built in 1936, the Marconi type-702 has been crowned the oldest working television set in Britain.

1914年法院撤消了一项起诉,宣布马可尼具有明显的获专利权的优先权。In 1914 the court dropped a prosecution, announced that Marconi has obvious priority of the franchise.

不久,马可尼自制的火花放电发送机,就能以无线的方式在实验室里传送摩斯电码脉冲流了。Soon Marconi 's own spark-gap transmitters are sending Morse-code pulse streams across his lab without wires.

但实验仍是没有用的,直到马可尼的设备上创建赫兹波改善。But the experiment was still of no use until Guglielmo Marconi improved on the device that created Hertzian Waves.

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意大利工程师马可尼把赫兹的试验变成了真正的通信科技。It was Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi who turned Hertz's laboratory experiments into a communications technology.

到了任命新的首席执行官的时候,金先生在Marconi公司工作的背景也为他加分。Mr King’s background at Marconi may well have counted in his favour when it came to appointing a new chief executive.

由于天气越来越糟糕,马可尼决定重点放在接收来自康沃尔的信号上。As the weather was growing rapidly worse, Marconi decided to concentrate upon trying to receive a signal from Cornwall.