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只有那些才可称其具有可转换性。Only those can be said to possess transferability.

第二章为提单的可转让性。Chapter Two discusses the transferability of bill of lading.

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不同硬件平台上的软件组件的移植Transferability of software components over different hardware platforms

其余包括上下文和影响美观,创新和转让。The rest cover contextual and aesthetic impact, and innovation and transferability.

对可转让性的严格限制可能严重损害效率。On the transferability of the severe restrictions could seriously damage efficiency.

高校推进干部人事制度改革,重在中层干部“能上能下”。College reform of leadership system depends on the transferability of its mid-rank leaders.

此外,本方案支持数字货币的可分性和可转移性。In addition, our scheme supports divisibility and transferability of digital coins in a simpler way.

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英磅汇兑为非美元国家间的贸易提供了一种多边结算方式。Sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for trade between nondollar countries.

美国流行文化福音书里其中一个信条就是,被广泛接受的意识转移。One of the tenets in the gospel of American pop culture is the widely held creed of transferability of mind.

私密性强的空间,通路的等级低,交通性弱,通达性也小。The more private the space is the level of the access ranks lower communication harder and transferability weaker.

认知学则以母语特征的典型范畴为基点,分析二语学习者对母语迁移的选择性。Meanwhile cognitive theory focuses on prototypicality of L1 features and analyzes learners' transferability of their L1.

压机油泵产生的噪声在岩样内部的传递,可以很好地表征岩样内部物理状态的变化。The transferability of the yawp of the pressing operation oil pump in the sample can express the physical condition change.

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用C51对DS1302进行程序设计,能加强DS1302的通用性和可移植性,有一定的实用价值。Using C51 to programme DS1302 can strengthen the common use and transferability of DS1302, thus having certain practical value.

非常感谢你们对我方决定的看法以及对双重转让所涉及风险的评论。Nevertheless, your view on our decision and a comment on the risks that double transferability involves would be most appreciated.

幸运的是,至少有一个人证明了丹尼斯的交易智慧是可以传授的。Fortunately, there is at least one person who provides inspirational evidence of the true transferability of Dennis's trading wisdom.

还对长豇豆SSR引物数量及豇豆中开发的SSR引物在长豇豆中的适用性进行了讨论。The issues, such as the SSR primer number and the transferability of SSR primers developed in cowpea to asparagus bean, were discussed.

但随生物科学的发展,不可转移性资源会减少,可转移性资源和障碍性转移资源会增加。With the development of life science, non-transferability resources will be reduced, and the obstacle transferability resources increased.

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其次,探讨了出资瑕疵股东的股东资格问题,分析了瑕疵股权的可转让性。Secondly, the problem of the shareholder's qualification of the defective share is discussed, and the transferability of the defective share is analyzed.

多组验证性分析证明了该模型具有行业和管理层级可转移性的特点。Multiple group confirmatory factor analysis proves that the meta-competency have the character of transferability cross industry and Management layer class.

该模型既便于随着所选择误差参数的增减而进行扩充或简化,也便于根据平台型号的不同做相应的修正,从而保证较好的可移植性。It is convenient to adapt the model to the change of selected error parameters' number and the variation of platform type, thus ensuring the model's transferability.