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日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon.

它指向将在2012年发生的一次特殊天文事件。It refers to special astronomic events that will happen in 2012.

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这周天文学界有两个大的进展。This week there were two big developments in astronomic science.

这是一个有用的装置业务的介绍和天文用途。This is a useful device for business presentations and astronomic purposes.

遇到日食,请不要惊慌,这只是正常的天文现象。Please do not be panic, because this is a normal astronomic phenomenon on the earth.

以某天文望远镜的关键部件设计过程为例,说明了该方法的可行性和实用性。An example of an astronomic telescope key parts design process showed its feasibility.

天体仪,古称“浑象”,是中国古代一种用于演示天象的仪器。The celestial globe was an instrument for demonstrating astronomic phenomena in ancient China.

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为了度量天文距离,人们把光在一年中走过的距离当作一个距离单位。To measure astronomic distances one takes as a unit that distance which light travels in a year.

这座古天文台大约位于南斯拉夫斯科普里东北80千米处,已经有4000多年的历史。The ancient astronomic observatory, about 80 kms northeast of Skopje, is more than 4,000 years old.

由天文历法来计算太阳在天空中的位置。Moreover, the sun position in the sky is obtained by astronomic algorithms in the case of open loop.

在过去两年,我一直根据我的天文计算预测厄尔尼诺正在发展。For over two years, I continued to forecast that El Nino was on the way from my astronomic calculations.

随着天文导航技术不断进步,星敏感器的硬件和软件技术得到了迅速的发展。As the astronomic navigation developing, the hardware and software in star sensor is improved very quickly.

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泰坦们将巨石砸裂,而后扔向诸神,宙斯则将霹雳和雷电投掷到各处。The Titans tore up astronomic bedrocks and casting them at the gods, while Zeus bunged his arrows and his abatings in all admonition.

并指出唐山大震的发生时间可能与当天的天文条件有关。Finally, it is suggested that the occurrence time of Tangshan earthquake was probably associated with the current astronomic conditions.

当时他的想法认为,较支付给哈罗德•威尔逊②所得税所需的天文数字来说,一次性出售版权所缴纳的资本利得税显然便宜得多。The logic at the time was that it would be cheaper to pay capital-gains tax on a one-off sale than to continue paying Harold Wilson's astronomic income tax.

张遂设计制造了“复矩仪”,用于测量全国各地北极的高度。Be-sides, Zhang also designed an astronomic instrument called Fujuyi for measuring the altitude of the North Pole in different places throughout the country.

我同时又是一个从事天文研究几十年的科技工作者,这里我也想从天文学家的角度谈点感想。Since I am also a scientist who has specialized in astronomic research for decades, I would like also to share some of my thoughts from the perspective of a scientist.

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结果表明,该模型能够分析天文潮和台风组合作用下的潮水位变化,能够满足风暴潮预报要求。The results show that the model can analyze the change of tidal level influenced by astronomic tide and typhoon together and fit for the request of storm surge forecast.

在他的巨大影响下,汉唐时期的阆中成为我国古代著名的天文研究中心,人才荟萃,群星灿烂。Under his tremendous influence, Langzhong during the Han and the Tang Dynasties became the famous center of astronomic study in our country, together with a galaxy of talents.

为了解近年来长度测量技术的发展现状,综述了从天文尺度到微观尺度各数量级长度量的测量方法。In order to study recent developing status of measuring technology of distance, the measuring methods of distance in various scales from astronomic to microcosmic are summarized.