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许多园林植物需要蝴蝶授粉他们。Many garden plants need butterflies to pollinate them.

蜜峰与蝴蝶将果园里的树授粉。Bees and butterflies pollinate the trees in the orchard.

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你需要帮助她给花儿们授粉采蜜从而获得更多的分数。Pollinate as many flowers as you can to score more points.

因为我们大部分的农作物都是靠它们来授粉的。That is because honey bees pollinate food crops of all kinds.

如果没有这些蜜蜂给农作物授粉,我们的食物供给将会受到威胁。And without honey bees to pollinate crops, our food supply is in danger.

蜂鸟给花传粉,蝴蝶也是。它们从一朵花飞到另一朵。Hummingbirds pollinate flowers. So do butterflies. They fly from flower to flower.

农民每年都从养蜂人那里租来蜜蜂为杏树和樱桃树授粉。Farmers rent the bees from bee-keepers to pollinate almond and cherry trees every year.

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雄性不育株的雌球花发育正常,并能正常开花、授粉和结籽。The female cone of the male sterile plant can blossom, pollinate and bear seeds normally.

整个花粉热季节一般不会持续到五月,因为那时花草开始授粉了。The full hay fever season doesn't normally get going until May, whengrasses start to pollinate.

为了使其结果,需要对其进行人工授粉,即使用刷子将花粉从一朵花转移给另一朵花。To ensure fruit, hand pollinate by transferring pollen from one flower to another with a paintbrush.

除了将花蜜转化为蜂蜜,这些辛勤工作的小虫子为农作物授粉-作为报酬给农民。Besides turning floral nectar into honey, these hardworking insects also pollinate crops for farmers -for a fee.

那么,蜜蜂授粉杏树,因此,如果蜜蜂消失了,杏仁羊角面包填充我们就会消失。Well, bees pollinate almond trees, so if bees were to die out, the almond filling for our croissants would disappear.

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因为它们经常会被迫向一种单一的作物传粉,所以它们可能无法摄入维持健康所需的所有营养。Since they're often forced to pollinate one specific crop, they may not get all the nutrients they need to be healthy.

温斯瓦扎用叉车运送蜂房,他将蜜蜂送往俄勒冈州哥伦比亚河附近的一座樱桃果园授粉。Ferrying hives with a forklift, Vince Vazza positions his bees to pollinate a cherry orchard near Oregon's Columbia River.

奥杜尔生命温室内的森林虫群施放的授粉技能现在将不能被偷取了。The Pollinate spell cast by the Forest Swarmer inside of the Conservatory of Life in Ulduar should no longer be spell stealable.

但是到了90年代,它们来到了加利福利亚,它们搭乘运送蜜蜂的蜂箱,漫游于各个农场,也传到了授粉公司。But in the 1990s, they made it to California, hitchhiking on the pallets used to transport honeybees moved from farm to farm to pollinate crops.

野蜂也希望有不同的花朵来授粉,因为我们需要某些物质来改变我们的生化体以在前方提升。Wild bees would also like to have a variety of flowers to pollinate as we are in need of certain substances to alter our biochemistry for the ascent ahead.

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一个欧洲杯咖啡会突然火箭在价格,将是橙汁,因为蜜蜂授粉大多数咖啡厂和桔子树。The one-euro cup of coffee would suddenly rocket in price, as would the orange juice, because bees pollinate the majority of coffee plants and orange trees.

马萨诸赛州的技术学院的一个班级的学生研发出了会浇水、收割及对樱桃西红柿进行授粉的机器人。A class of undergraduates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has created a set of robots that can water, harvest and pollinate cherry tomato plants.

西番莲是不可食用,但大,颜色鲜艳的花朵吸引蜜蜂和蜂鸟,这反过来将在花园授粉食用植物。Passionflower is not edible, but the large, brightly colored blooms attract bees and hummingbirds, which in turn will pollinate the edible plants in the garden.