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我要去仁爱国小上学。I go to Ren-Ai Elementary school.

我上学的学校是松浦国小。I go to Song Pu elementary school.

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这个例子跟小学有关。This one involves elementary school.

欢迎来到春日国小!Welcome to Chun-Rih Elementary School!

我觉得这些实在太简单了I think that's pretty elementary stuff.

他步行至蒂斯代尔小学念书。He walked to Teasdale Elementary School.

这是基本单臂划水训练。This is the elementary single arm drill.

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我们是小学同学。We were classmates in elementary school.

CTD资料是海洋科学研究中的基础资料。CTD data are elementary in ocean studies.

这将是元电荷的Z倍。This will be Z times the elementary charge.

以阿曼达·布什的学校----北公园小学为例。Amanda Bush's school, North Park Elementary.

质子是物质的基本粒子。A proton is an elementary particle of matter.

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他是阳明国小的学生。He is a student in YangMing Elementary School.

我想,他那时候还是个小学生。He was, I think, an elementary school student.

这位学生选学初等数学课程。The student took a course in elementary maths.

下面会有一个初等几何的回顾.There is a review of elementary geometry below.

真的还想小学的时候在题海中度过吗?Really want to elementary school in TiHai spend?

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能源号学校,从小学到中学,知识的坚实基石。Study at Energia from Elementary to High School.

以阿曼达·布什的学校----北公园小学为例。Take Amanda Bush's school, North Park Elementary.

她是我小学最喜欢的老师,she was my favorite teacher in elementary school,