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舰炮的弹药箱。Ammunition for a naval gun.

想象力即你的弹药。Your Imagination is the Ammunition.

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他们打捞出沉在水中的弓单药。They fished up the sunken ammunition.

弹药被用来补给作战单位。Ammunition is used for resupplying units.

政府发弹药给军队。The government issued ammunition to troops.

几辆吉普车上的弹药已经用光了。A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition.

在他重新装填“弹药”时会稍作停顿。There's a pause as he reloads with more ammunition.

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在这场争夺中,Gabrielsson几乎没有法律事实作为依据。Gabrielsson has little legal ammunition in this fight.

机炮残弹数量很低。AWACS Thunderhead Machine gun ammunition is running low.

安全部队实弹射击予以回应。The security forces responded by firing live ammunition.

弹药必须使用选手的枪枝来做测试。Ammunition must be tested using the competitor's firearm.

额外的弹药船载的主要杂志。Additional ammunition carried in the ship's main magazines.

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只有最后别无选择的情况下我们才选择了实弹阻止他们继续前进。We only used live ammunition when there was no choice left.

七私运枪械、弹药、品或协助偷渡人口者。Smuggling guns, ammunition and drugs or assisting stowaways.

不起作用时,他使用催泪瓦斯和实弹抵抗反动民众。When that didn't work, he used tear gas and live ammunition.

弹药是火力打击和火力毁伤的基础。Ammunition is the base of firepower blow and firepower damage.

格林斯潘自己也给了那些担心通胀人士一些弹药。Mr Greenspan himself gave ammunition to the inflation worriers.

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对发射药热自燃现象进行了数值模拟研究。The selfignition hazard in ammunition is simulated numerically.

一批准备使用35毫米弹药在剪辑,也获得通过。A quantity of ready-use 35 mm ammunition in clips is also carried.

弓、弩和投石器将此能力施加于其弹药上。Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this power on their ammunition.