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1972年,塞林格提出了“中介语”这一概念。In 1972, Selinker promoted the concept of the interlanguage.

语言僵硬现象已经成为中介语的主要特征之一。Fossilization has become one of the main features of Interlanguage.

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僵化是过渡语体系明显的特征。Fossilization is one of the most crucial features of interlanguage.

正确认识中介语有利于我们更好地教与学。Understanding interlanguage correctly helps us to teach and learn better.

中介语的石化是二语习得中一种不可避免的现象。Fossilization in interlanguage is an unavoidable and universal phenomenon in SLA.

中介语石化是二语习得中的一个普遍现象。Interlanguage fossilization is a universal problem in second language acquisition.

过渡语僵化现象是外语学习中不可避免的现象。Interlanguage fossilization is an inevitable phenomenon in foreign language learning.

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学习者学说普通话时,声音中夹杂方音特征,称之为过渡语。Putonghua learners may carry their accent in speaking, which is called interlanguage.

作为一种独特的语言体系,中介语有其自身特点和发展阶段。As a unique language system, the interlanguage has its own features and development phases.

中介语的僵化现象一直是第二语言习得理论的重要研究领域。Interlanguage fossilization is an very important study field in second language acquisition.

僵化现象是中介语形成中必然发生的,而且是可以预见的。As the interlanguage develops, error stabilization is an unavoidable but predictable phenomenon.

中介语僵化是第二语言习得中的一个普遍现象。Interlanguage fossilization is recognized as a widespread phenomenon in second language acquisition.

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对学习者语料进行自动词性赋码,可以使语料库获得“增值”,便于对中介语进行更深层次的研究。POS tagging can bring "added value" to learner corpora and thus enable in-depth studies of interlanguage.

本文从语际语用学角度研究非母语学习者的语用发展。The present study examines nonnative speakers' pragmatic development from interlanguage pragmatics perspective.

本研究旨在考察中国英语学习者的时体习得状况。This thesis aims to examine how Chinese learners of English develop interlanguage knowledge of tense and aspect.

中介语指的是第二语言学习者建立的目的语知识系统的连续体。Interlanguage refers to the continuum of a second language learner's systematic knowledge of the target language.

母语负迁移是影响中介语语音的主要因素。The negative transfer of native language is the main factor, which influences the pronunciation of interlanguage.

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中介语语用学研究以跨文化对比研究为主,很少涉及学习者第二语言语用现象的习得特征。The focus of Interlanguage Pragmatics research has predominantly been on second language use, rather than development.

请求作为一种具体的言语行为,在跨文化语用研究和语际语语用研究领域一直倍受关注。Request, as a specific speech act, has been widely studied in the fields of cross-cultural pragmatics and interlanguage.

这场学术之争的理论根源在于中介语的语言观是“异质”还是“同质”的本质对立。The arguments are rooted in the controversy over the notion of interlanguage as "heterogeneous" or "homogeneous" system.