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是你吗,博盖?Is that you, Bogey?

我们在这次衰退中寻找着魔鬼。In this recession, we seek the bogey.

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左面,距离27海哩,敌机高度7000尺。Port, 27 miles, bogey 's at7, 000 feet.

神位忌安置在道的上方。Bogey tablets placed in the top of Road.

她巧妙的模糊处理了弥尔顿的惑众谣言。She's ingeniously vague about what Milton's bogey is.

对于我们大多数人来说,受人崇拜是最大的奖励。He is not a human, but a fox bogey who has person-appearence.

用佛吉尼亚·伍尔夫的话说,撒旦是想无视上帝的惑众妖言。In Virginia Woolf's terms, Satan is trying to look past God's bogey.

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他最终以一个双柏忌结束,在第19洞他败给了托马斯比约恩。He ended up with a double bogey and lost in 19 holes to Thomas Bjorn.

伯格的声音时断时续,他边说话边在台阶上来回奔跑。Bogey 's voice is breaking. When he speaks he rushes up and down the scale.

最好用些解痉的药,可以热懯小腹,忌冷。With some of the best antispasmodic drug, can lower abdomen Fu heat, cold bogey.

人们还在给他们的孩子们讲那些恐怖女警察吓唬人的弱智故事吗?Did people still tell their kids imbecilic scare stories about bogey policewomen?

例子如下将使用老比标准杆多一杆队因素作为作用的措施。The examples below will use the old bogey team factor as a measure of the effect.

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普雷塞尔从后九出发,连续三个小鸟之后,她在第13洞打出一个柏忌。Pressel started on the back nine and her birdie streak ended with a bogey on No. 13.

通常妇女产后要忌冷食,但维生莲藕可不忌。Postpartum women usually have to bogey cold, but living lotus may from time to bogey.

喜阴,忌强光直射,冬季可放有阳光处,夏季遮阴,忌雨水浸泡。Yam, bogey direct glare, the winter sun can be placed, summer shade, soaking rain bogey.

你对坏球或小鸟球的反应也反映着你应付日常压力的能力。How you react to a bogey or a birdie can also be a sign of how you manage stress every day.

在星期六的比赛中,他的开局十分不利,在前两洞打出了一个柏忌和一个双柏忌。On Saturday, he got off to a rough start with a bogey and double bogey on the first two holes.

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这时,一只只飞蛾开始兴奋了,向着黑夜里的那一点光飞去,一无所忌。At this time, only humans began an excited, in the darkness toward the point-fly, without a bogey.

我不知道谁会喜欢一件另类的绿色开司米毛衣搭配一把水壶和一台烤土司机。I don't know anyone who would like a bogey green cashmere jumper with a matching kettle and toaster.

蒙特卡洛模拟来计算欧式期权的定价,更忌精确但是耗时很大。Monte Carlo simulation to calculate European option pricing, more accurate but time-consuming bogey great.