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我要拿这句话到马镫杯上用!I'm stealing that for Stirrup Cup!

查理曼拥有马镫,我们拥有电脑。Charlemagne had the stirrup. We have the computer.

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讲真话的人应该一只脚踩在马镫里。If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup.

马蹬皮带把他腿上的皮肤擦伤引起疼痛。The stirrup leathers rubbed raw patches on his legs.

马镫的一阶效应已是非常巨大。The first-order effects of the stirrup were dramatic.

“RL瑞龙”,压花闪闪发光的金属单管齐马镫扣。"RL"-embossed gleaming metal single-prong stirrup buckle.

他走到马的身边,把脚踏在马蹬上。He walked up to the horse and put his foot in the stirrup.

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斯蒂勒普轮蹄支持装配使用刹车卡钳。Stirrup wheel knuckle support assembly using caliper brakes.

在这群人的中央,有人拉着马镫以便另一个人跨上马去。In the centre someone was holding the stirrup for a man to mount.

最常见的形式箍筋采用的是垂直箍筋。The most common form of web reinforcement used is the vertical stirrup.

简一只脚就近蹬上马镫,转脸看着陌生人。Jane put one foot in the near stirrup and turned to look at the stranger.

马镫引起的巨大社会变革花了几个世纪才完成。The huge social changes wrought by the stirrup took centuries to play out.

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开始的时候,把左脚放在马镫上,随后跨上右脚。To get started, just put your left foot in the stirrup and swing your right foot over.

那法军龙骑兵军官以一只脚在地上跳着,另一只脚挂在马蹬上了。The French officer was hopping along on the ground, with one foot caught in the stirrup.

“我们减少了反应部队的数量,这对我们的陆海空三军来说是决定性的,”Stirrup说。"It is crucial that we reduce the operational tempo for our armed forces, " Stirrup said.

这些金属马镫拯救了欧洲,骑兵们受封骑士,从此名垂青史。The stirrup saved Europe, and these new mounted cavalry were celebrated forever after as knights.

在其他条件都相同而核心区配箍率不同的情况下,核心区配箍率越小其损伤值越大,其延性也越差。If the rate of stirrup used in core area is smaller and the damage is larger, the ductility is worse.

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配箍率的增大能提高方柱抗震性能,有利于方柱抗震。The seismic performance of the square columns could be improved significantly by increasing the stirrup ratio.

而镫骨则敲击卵圆窗,这层薄膜是通往内耳中充满液体的小室的起点。The stirrup bone taps on the oval window, a thin membrane leading to the fluid-filed cavities of the inner ear.

最好穿后跟较小的牛仔靴或马靴。这样有助于脚保持在马镫里面,且不被卡住。Wear cowboy boots or a riding boot with a small heel to help hold your foot in the stirrup without getting stuck.