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唱吧,我的天使。Sing, my Angel.

魔鬼天使。The devil angel.

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一只黑天使坐在我的脑中。angel sits in my brain.

与“方舟天使”号停靠在一起。Dock with the Ark Angel.

黑天使飞走了。The dark angel flew off.

吾乃汝之音乐天使。I am your Angel of Music.

那是天使加百利。It was the angel Gabriel.

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我的安琪儿,你是我一生的守护!My angel you are my life!

你像翩然而至的天使。You're just like an angel.

车宾利的天使眼。Angel eyes for car bentley.

她是位美如天仙的女人。She is an angel of a woman.

她是天仙般的妻子。She was an angel of a wife.

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也许他有一颗天使心吧。Maybe he had an angel heart.

为我而歌,我的天使,唱吧!Sing to me, my angel , sing!

生日快乐。我们的天使。朴正洙。Happy Birthday , To My Angel.

安琪儿才四岁。Angel was just four years old.

我是你的天使守护神。AngelI am your guardian angel.

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因为她是坠入凡间的天使。Because she is a Fallen Angel.

他朝天时冷冷地笑着。He smiled coldly at the angel.

我还进行天使投资。I also make angel investments.